Visit Me. NOW.

I am over at Angie's Seven Clown Circus today.

I'm giving something away.

Like money.

Plus, I am totally clever, and funny and witty- over there.


April said…
Tiffany...I just read your post over at Angie's! You are too funny! I came up with a tag line...even if it is EARLY in the morning! Have a super day!
Snarky Belle said…
You are most definitely totally clever, and funny and witty. No matter where you are!
Okay. You talked me into it. And not just with all the free money talk. ;o)
Rhea said…
OH, ok, if you insist!
Karol said…
A little pushy, are we? ;)
Lesley said…
you are so totally clever, funny and witty over here as well....even when no money is involved....
Unknown said…
Heading over right now.
Heather said…
What are you talking about, you're always funny and witty.

Someday we will meet in real life. And hang out by the pool drinking margaritas (or whatever), and we'll all be funny and witty together.
Unknown said…
Haha! I had both your blog and Angie's open to read. Clicked here first. I'm heading over to Angie's now!
hehe. You totally are. ;)
i'm totally heading over
You're not kidding you're totally clever, funny and witty. Like you always are.......but I'm extra grateful you chose to do so on my blog today. I absolutely LOVE the tag lines. I'm working on mine now.
Donnetta said…
Been there AND left a tagline!!
Tabitha Blue said…
Giving away money??? I'm there!!

Swirl Girl said…
Been there- tagged that!
April Greer said…
I probably missed it but I'll head over anyway!
Alison said…
Well then I'm heading over there right now!

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