
So the winners.

That's why you came over, right?


Tell me you came by because you love me.

Because you think my thought-provoking, intellectually stimulating writing on Tampons and Resiliency are genuis.

Not because you want to know if you won this or this.

Okay, now that you've stroked my fragile ego.....

The winners of the $100 Target Cards are: Sandy and Finding Joy and Choosing Happy

The winner of the Spring Fling Bag is: The Smith Family

So there you have it.

If you un-follow me now, I'll die.

So don't.


AP Mommy said…
Congrats to all the winners!
Congrats to all the winners.
janis said…
congrats to the winners :)
Cecily R said…
Where's the LOVE? You didn't rig anything for me!!!

And I was planning on telling you ALL the house decorating secrets I got from RS this week...
Rhea said…
Congrats to the winners. darnit.
Sandy said…
Are you serious? I won?! You have no idea how excited I am! Thank You:0)
Kati said…
Congrats to the winners!!
Jennifer said…
Not me? WAAAAAA!!!
OK, I won't be a sore loser. Cngrats to Sandy, Finding Joy and Choosing Happy and The Smith Family.
I will not un-follow you cause we don't want you to die. That wouldn't be fun.
Anonymous said…
Congrats to the winners!!!
Beth said…
I came here because I follow you. And subscribe to your blog.

Because I love you.

Not to see if I won!



Tiffany said…
Congrats to the winners!
Please stop by my blog, Eat at Home and leave a comment today. Each comment is worth $1 for the Global Food Crisis fund and all you have to do is comment. SITS girls are great at that!
Hmmm, where is that 'unfollow' button anyway? Ha, just kidding...although I'm a little pouty for not winning the gorgeous bag! But I'll get over it...mother's day is coming up anyway right, hehe?

StampinMom :-)
sassy stephanie said…
I would never unfollow you! Congrats winners!
Amy said…
I came by because I always do. Not unfollowing! :)

Congrats to the winners!
Bunny said…
Well Tiffany I did come by just to see you, my first time here, now I have to go read the Tampon and Resiliency posts to see what I missed!
Amy said…
Those lucky ladies. Congrats to them.
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Sandy is one of my favorite ladies, so I was super glad to read that she won. Next time, you could just save yourself the trouble and make declare me the winner, though. Just think of how easy your post would be to write.

Also, un-follow you? What? The agony of being unfollowed is just too painful. I could never.

Brandy said…
I value my life so I will keep following.

Congrats to all the winners!
Michelle said…
I love ya.

...and I'm not lying. ;)
I could never un-follow now...i've been here since...well before SITS launched and that means you CAN'T get rid of me NOW:)
Tiffany said…
You guys really know how to make a girl feel loved. {sigh}


House of Smiths said…
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh, NO way! Shush up right NOW! I am SO SUPER excited! Yeay! Thank you SO much!! Whoot Whoot!!
yeay! You're the best Tiff.
Shelley Smith
shortmama said…
Congrats to the winners! Sniffle...tear.
Donnetta said…
I came by because I love you! :)

Congrats winners!
Anonymous said…
Aw man! I didn't win sh**!

Oh well, just give me a hug and a big juicy kiss and all will be forgotten.

Congrats to the winners :)
Swirl Girl said…
congrats to the winners!

as for me - always a bridesmaid never a bride.
KatBouska said…
Darn it. I wanted that bag. And you KNOW I would have done that Target card good.

How could you do this to us??
Alison said…
Even though I didn't win, I won't unfollow you!
Susie said…
Congratulations to the winners:-)
Sarahviz said…
We gotta chat. Give me a ring tomorrow - doesn't matter when.

And by the way?

I immediately thought something dirty when I read your "Shower me in comment lovin'."

I'm such a pig.
Wep said…
I love you and i didn't even enter!
I do love you and I didn't even win. You are on my Twilight friend blog roll just because you are so cool:)
Tammigirl said…
Congratulations to the winners. Tiffany, I came just to unfollow you, but I don't want to be responsible for your death. So instead I'll follow you forever. And comment, too!
Cat Russell said…
Congrats to all the winners..

Tiffany,I enjoy your blog very much.. I want to be a follower.. What happened to our linkys?


Dee said…
Aww, "unfollow" that would show who your friends really are hey?? LOL

congrats to the winners...
Sera said…
I just lost a follower today! I'm thinking they must have followed me just to try and win, and when they didn't they unfollowed. Ridiculous. Who needs them anyway? Hope you had fun with the Spring Fling. I had a BLAST!
Sunshine said…
This has nothing to do with your contest, but I just want to say I think you are an AMAZING woman. You're inspirational for sure!
scrappysue said…
congrats on being the featured blogger!
Julie said…
I would never unfollow :)
TuTu's Bliss said…
I love you. I NEVER win anything and I already had a fluke and won two things this year so I knew it wasn't me ;)
I wanna see what you bought at the Brighton shop. :o)
Congrats to all the winners!!!

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