
So, by now, you know I am on the Faculty for Fishful Thinking.

It has been such a pleasure representing this program, and they just raised the bar.

They are debuting a new Storybook Feature.

You can upload some photos and create a story about your child.  

And, BE ENTERED TO WIN a $10,000 Scholarship.

I did one for the boy {he's the kid in the goggles}... it's in the sample gallery.  Check it out.

He thinks it is so cool.


It's worth your time. 

Go ahead.  Click on the blue book.


Rachel Lopez said…
LOVE that story! Thanks for sharing. I love how cleary children see the world :)
Anonymous said…
That book is such a cute idea!
Bunny said…
I'm thinking how cute this would be for my granddaughters!!! Thanks!!
Donnetta said…
I'm an Ambassador and have been, oh so, patiently waiting for this!

OK - not so patiently! :)
Unknown said…
How cool is that!?
April Greer said…
We've been waiting for this and I could not figure out how to get to the storybook creater! I got it now. It's so nice to have a friend like you in our corner to go forth, figure it out and be our inspiration! Thank you! Now I just need my fishful thinking moment.
Hey Tiffany - catching up on your blog! Love the FIshful Thinking thing - they sent me a bunch of little books and a cool little bag - very exciting. :)

I am totally with you on your rant and SITS rocks.

I showed my husband your sink - he is wandering Home Depot as I type.

Let's see what else - I could go on and on - have a happy Sunday!

Lula! said…
Yes, I would like $10,000. Going to check it out...
That's pretty amazing!
Unknown said…
that is cool. I am going to have to make one too.
kel said…
that's so cool!!!
Unknown said…
Yep, I guess 10,000 is worth my time : ).
Unknown said…
Too cool. Off to check it out!
Tess said…
Ive been seeing this around. very cool idea!

Please come vote for my card! Check out my blog for details!
Live.Love.Eat said…
LOVE that idea. MUST check out!!!!!!!
Unknown said…
Thats really great. stopping by for SITS
come check out my blog said…
Hi stopping by for sits, I love know you !! Fishful thinking is cool.
I am hosting a giveaway on my blog
come check out my blog
I am now a follower of you
Aunt Julie said…
Wonderful! This sounds like something I'd be interested in. Is there any age limit? BTW, please come by today to help me celebrate Uncle Lynn's birthday. We're having a Birthday Bash AND a giveaway!
Mommy of Many said…
I am going to have to check this out. I love this idea.
fellow SITS
Unknown said…
What a neat idea! Thanks

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