An Easy Update.

So the blog isn't the only thing that got a makeover around here.

My husband started with this:

and ended with this:

And, I just proposed to him.

And, He said yes.

Happiness really is in the little things.


Krissy said…
Loving the new kitchen sink and the blog design!
shortmama said…
OK first, love the new faucet.

Now did you look at your paper towel holder and think "thats it! the inspiration for my blog makeover". Love it, but Im just sayin'
Megan said…
Ohh jealous! I need a new faucet too. Very nice!! =D
Ms.Emily said…
looks really nice!!! love the oil bronze finish! :)
Snarky Belle said…
Love the new blog design, love the new faucet, just feelin' so much love! Have to admit, your paper towel holder was the first thing to catch my eye! :)

I'm with you..little things hold so much happiness!
Heather said…
I said it to Jenny (from Princess Peonies), and I'll say it to you:

Handy husbands are the best!

I have a very similar faucet in my kitchen, and I love it!

Impeccable taste you have, madam :)
S Club Mama said…
That's so pretty! But I like the old one, too. haha

Isn't it great to have a great husband?? You should post a picture of him...I can't remember if I've ever seen him.

He needs to teach my husband some plumbing 101 now. ha!
Heather said…
OH, it's PERFECT!!!
Amy said…
What a great change.
Simple pleasures! It looks beautiful...
Michelle said…
So when's the re-wedding?
Ashley said…
It's a good thing he said yes ;)

Great project!
Alison said…
Hooray for husbands who can do handy things around the house!
Katie Lane said…
Wow what a big difference, love that!
Mimi said…
Ooh, dats purdy!
John Deere Mom said…
Um, can I propose to him too?
Unknown said…
ooh...good job!! really love that new style! in my dream home (that will hopefully be built one day in the very far future) we'll have a sink/faucet like that!!
April Greer said…
Don't use any cleaners on it!!! Don't say I didn't warn you :-)
Sarah said…
Ooo, love it!

Great blog makeover, too. BTW.
Live.Love.Eat said…
So nice!!!! I want a makeover on my sink....
cherry said…
That is one drop dead gorgeous new faucet. YUM> cherry
Anonymous said…
Was it by any chance a 2 for 1 deal?

Cause if it was...I know this sink...
Awesome! I love that kind of transformation! You should link this post up to the Remodeling Guy Round Up May 1st! He's my husband, and he knows that small things like this can make a big difference! This is my first day joining your nice group. I think it's gonna be fun.

Sarah K. said…
Love the new faucet! Handy husbands are the best. Cheers!

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