With my new blog design.

Oh my, how Shannon of Eight Crazy makes me swoon.

I proposed to her last night.  

She turned me down.

But left me with this beautiful blog.

If you've been thinking about a "bloglift", she is your girl.

But, remember, she was mine first.


Shannon said…
you know how to make a girl blush!
theUngourmet said…
Love the new blog design! Very Pretty!

Love your Easter photos too!
Sera said…
I love the new design - it's gorgeous! I've got April from April Showers working on mine right now. I bet it feels great to have a fresh new look!
AP Mommy said…
I love it, very nice!
Love the new design!! Great job Shannon!
John Deere Mom said…
Oh my...it' so beautiful!!!
Sarahviz said…
It looks awesome!
Anonymous said…
It turned out really cute!
Anonymous said…
I like it! I love how you have your blog posts to the left and all the other "stuff" organized to the right. Very nice, Tiffany!
CaraBee said…
It looks awesome!!
Heather said…
Ooooh, this is gorgeous!

I have total blog makeover envy!

Alas, I have an upcoming actual house makeover, so I have no budget for blog makeovers at the moment, hence the envy! Shannon is crazy talented though!!

(Is it wrong to point out that the yellow is similar to the tile in one of my soon-to-be-closed on bathrooms, and that just last night I was pondering color choices to update the bathroom that would work with the yellow tile, and I was looking in the blue family, so that my first thought when I got to your blog was "Oh, *that* is a nice shade of blue for the yellow....") :)

Crazy Momma said…
I love the new layout! Grea job, Shannon!

The New Orleanian in me is gushing over the Fleur de Lis all over.

Love it!
Anonymous said…
It looks great!
Mimi said…
Love the makeover!

I got the gift card, thanks again.
Amy said…
Very nice! :)
Anonymous said…
Very nice!
Shasta said…
I love it! I can see why you're swooning over it!!
S Club Mama said…
this IS beautiful. I've seen a few of Shannon's designs; she's so talented. :) If I were to get a blog makeover, I'd choose her, too.
sassy stephanie said…
Oh I love love love it.
S Club Mama said…
And I know this job is about the kids, not me...but it's like being a mom. I need to take care of me, too and I took a bath last night for the first time in a few days (gross, I know, I'm just too tired at night). Anyway, I think that's what you were talking about lol But I would love to vent to you some time...
Jen said…
Oh I LOVE it! I love Shannon. I have so been thinking about a blog-lift. Shannon did my first design too and I will so go back!
Unknown said…
Fabulous!! I love the new look.
It is beautiful!! Yayy for a bloglift!! :)
Amy said…
Wow I have to say I love the new look. Have a great day.
Heather said…
You tricky, tricky girl!! You didn't even mention that you were changing things around. I LOVE it in here!! So fresh and happy!
shortmama said…
freet-phrew!. Ok I never could whistle. Lookin good woman!
Anne said…
I love it - it looks so clean and fresh!
Kami said…
The bloglift looks awesome!! Great pics, too :)
Happy Wednesday!
Rachael said…
Ooh, looks great!
Love it! She's doing mine next month :)

I've been away from the blogging world for awhile...sometimes the grief process take over me
Lula! said…
Truly Fantastic. Just like you.
Ashley said…
Wow!!! Love it!!! Congrats on your new look! :)
Megan R. said…
Oh, I LOVE your new layout! It's so fresh and spring-y feeling! Beaaaaaaaautiful!
Alison said…
Ava looks beautiful!
Swirl Girl said…
Totally awesome new digs!!
KatBouska said…
Oh I'm SO afraid to take the plunge for a blog life...but I am getting SO tired of mine.

I love how you have the two columns down the right side of your blog instead of having a sidebar on each side. Does that make sense?? It's all very easy on the eyes...simple sassy sweet and saucy...just like you.
Vickie said…
Nice blog design, so fancy and sophisticated:0
Aubrey said…
It's absolutely GORGEous! She did ya right. Well, that is before she didn't except your proposal! LOL
Megan said…
I love it! So bright and cheery! =D
Stephanie said…
It's GORGEOUS! I love it!
Live.Love.Eat said…
NICE!!!!!!!! I have been gone for a bit but so happy to be back!!!!!!!!!!!
Shannon's designs are pretty incredible!
Amanda said…
Your blog design is beautiful!

God bless-
Unknown said…
She did a great job!

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