I Get By With a Little Help.

Yeah, I'm talking about you.

I was feeling all pity party-ish yesterday and you all rallied with your loving comments.

I am very blessed to have wonderful friends IRL and amazing friends out in bloggyland....

I like to think you get back what you give.

I must be a pretty awesome chick.

See how I can always bring it back to me?

It's like a gift.

And so are you.

The past year in the blogosphere has changed me.

I could have never imagined the connections I would make, the friends who I have never "met", but make me laugh every single day.

Thank you for sharing your highs, your lows, your secrets, your vices, your loves, your losses.

Thank you for putting yourself out there.

And over here.

I leave you with my favorite:

"I am so glad that you have come. I will pour out everything inside me that you may leave this table satisfied and fortified. Blessings on your eyes. Blessings on your children. Blessings on the ground beneath you. My heart is a ladle of sweet water, brimming over." {The Red Tent, Anita Diament}


Jes The Bes said…
I agree. I have heard so many interesting stories and connected with so many people in my 10 month journey of blogging.
I couldn't agree more about the blog world....what a gift.
Unknown said…
I dont know how I ever managed before blogging!
Amy said…
I have to agree blogging is the best gift.
kel said…
I heart blogging!
Jenny-Jenny said…
Wonderful quote. I'm feeling a lot like that today. lots of warm lots of fuzzy...
that's a great quote...love it! and blogland, well, girl, it rocks my face off.
Ash said…
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - blogging truly saved my life.

Hugs to you my dear blogging friend - Em
Ginger said…
I'm new to the blogosphere; I look forward to making those connections! What a lovely post;)
Alex the Girl said…
Ninja commenter stole my comment! HOw dare they. At least it saves me from having to type it all out, but I agree with you whole heartedly.
Ashley said…
Yes, you are a pretty awesome chick! ;)
Misty Rice said…
YOu won --- check out my blog.
shortmama said…
Well it really is all about you!
Cecily R said…
Ah, my MEOW friend....you're a gem. And then some!

And I REALLY need to read The Red Tent...
Anonymous said…
Keep up the hard work - you have much bloggin love and support comin' your way!
Swirl Girl said…
Wow what an awesome comment!

I love the ladle brimming over metaphor!
wenderful said…
I was thinking that last quote was from a commenter and I was prepared to feel very inadequate. I've since recovered.
Blogging is a wonder, isn't it? Glad to have found you.
Rachel said…
so thankful for the wonderful women of bloggy land, you especially!
Alison said…
I didn't have time to comment yesterday, but I am thankful for you. I'm so glad you commented on my blog back when you first started blogging!
Susie said…
The benefits of the blogosphere was so unexpected to me! I am glad you are having the same wonderful experience that I am:-)
AP Mommy said…
Well put! I love my bloggy-family and friends! :) Hope you have a good rest of your week.
Mimi said…
I am still amazed at the amount of love & friendship I get from my blogs!
MoodyMommy said…
I LOVE MY BLOG FRIENDS!!! They always say the nicest, funniest things...when ever I am feeling low, I reread my comments!!

Thanks for coming to my site!! And I agree YUCK!!
Jen said…
the blogosphere is such a magical place.
Bunny said…
I know how grateful I am to have found such giving caring people on the internet! Blog people rule!!
Hear, hear.

When are we going to meet in person, anyway?
Donnetta said…
Blogging saves my sanity more often than not. Seriously.

And the SITS sistership you and Heather have created is a blessing to countless!
Anonymous said…
Hey girl wanted to let you know I'm back in the blog world.
Josh makes fun of me for how much blogging has changed me, but I think it's been a good change, if not a great one. I have a place to tell my stories, I have an outlet and get to make connections with people who are a lot like me, but who I might never have been able to meet before.

And it's these people who have been the biggest blessing. One of my closest friends today is one I met online and I'm so happy to have her. It's personal, and touching and it's more than just words on a page.

And where else can I stalk my boss and it be totally kosher?

Just celebrate twice as hard next year. Happy blogoversary.
Heather said…
Ah, the Red Tent. A staple in any woman's library. Oh, and the beach house WILL have a library.
April Greer said…
I loved that book..thanks for the referral! I am so enjoying blogging and looking forward to making new friends as well!
Shannon said…
I think of all the books my sister has recommended to me... The Red Tent has been my favorite. Every woman should read it!
Anonymous said…
I read that book just recently and LOVED it!
Cheryl Lage said…
Alll right, Sweet T, I entirely missed the pity party post, but have to say you ARE without a doubt a pretty awesome chick! :)

(Thank you for re-Tweeting the call for help for the Spohrs. Don't know them in real life, but heart breaking for them. I'm Twitter-impaired, so I appreciate the re-activation!)

Blessings to you my blog (and "real") friend!
Lula! said…
Even if we both quit blogging tomorrow, we'd still be in each other's lives. And that makes me truly happy. I am blessed to know and love you!
Marrdy said…
How did we ever survive without our blogging friends? It is a mystery.
Unknown said…
Oh, you are quoting one of my favorite books - and I agree with you wholeheartedly. I have met so many wonderful people here in bloggyland. I love it!
Tonya Staab said…
Oh I missed your post yesterday and am working my way backwards, but just want to send you a big hug, a few smooches and tell you I think you rock.

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