I Heart Spring.

And these cuties I got at CVS.


tiarastantrums said…
wow - I didn't know CVS had plants - and I so have that tray in blue!
S Club Mama said…
So stinking cute!!

And you're so darn sweet. I felt like a princess today. And apparently Big A is a good role model for Moose - that kid is so darn sweet: he'll rub my back, my tummy, give me baby kisses, and steals most things I eat or drink. LOL I'm really blessed. :)
theUngourmet said…
Those are super cute and I love the tray too!
shortmama said…
Uh cute!! and the tray/platter/whatever? Need that! Dont forget to come by my blog for my 100th post giveaway!
Mimi said…
The plants are cute, but I am considering leaving my husband and marrying you for those couches!!!!
More Than Words said…
Wow..I love how the polka dots just pop in this picture!! Love it!
Susie said…
Amen, Sister!! I love spring too:-)
CVS has plants? Do you do the whole coupon/rewards stuff there? Cuz I've heard one can get AMAZING savings. Just curious. They are so cute........AND thanks for linking up today. What fun! P.S. My auction item has been shipped. :)
Heather said…
I'm sure CA-spring is a bit different than OH-spring (i.e. the cacti at CVS), but the love-is-in-the-air feeling you get at this time of year is the same no matter where you live.

I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and play with worms with Gabe while I design my gardens. Around here, that can't happen 'til Mother's day. Darnnit.

(I love your furniture!)

Happy Spring, Tiff!
kel said…
oh, I wish I could grow things..
Amy said…
Wow nice plants. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Lula! said…
Look at that adorable tray and those adorable plants.

I want to be there, enjoying them in person.
carrhop said…
Love this idea--and love the polka dot tray underneath! Perfect coffee table centerpiece!

Those are too cute. I'll have to check those out next time I'm at CVS.
i had no idea cvs sold plants, who'd have though! i love them, a beautiful little trio of green.
http://www.papermoonies.blogspot.com said…
Hello I saw you on sits, lovely blog. I now follow you.
I am hosting a giveaway on my blog
Cheers deary!!
Sandra said…
Ahh... gotta love a succulent.
Wising I had a green thumb!
Jen said…
that is so cute. Someday I hope to have nice things on my coffee table. Someday.
Unknown said…
CVS you say...I'll be stopping for some :) So cute!
Unknown said…
Beautiful photo. I have to ask - what type of camera do you use?
Unknown said…
Yay Spring!!! I am with ya. I love the little red pots and the cute greenery. Sweet.
Cheryl Lage said…
Plants and polka dots...oxygen and glee. Everybody wins! (and cute to boot!)
texaslauren77 said…
Those are super cute...I have only a semi green thumb...wonder if I could keep 'em alive??!? :)
annies home said…
I love the table what a wonderful thing was wondering how you pulled that off was it paper, cloth or what I truly like it
Cammie said…
ohhhh, I want them for my desk at work!
April Greer said…
Very cute...were these a free gift with a case of wine..ha ha! These plants look like they will live here too.
Nicole said…
Those are so cute!
CVS has plants?! So cute! :)

Plants do make me think spring.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
I ♥ spring, too, except for the allergies that tag along!
Heather said…
I love them! I'll grow succulents soon too. Many, many succulents.
Shannon said…
So simple... yet so pretty!
Anonymous said…
I am sooo not a plant person...don't undrstand them don't know how to truly love them the way they need...but I do like having them around...My mom is a total plant person...and refuses to give me any "constructive" help...but two of the neatest plants I have ever purchased I got from our local cheapy grocery store...$1.99 each..they are both doing great a year and a half later...I might need to get some more!!
Those are adorable. I love the tray they are sitting on even more!
Jodi said…
Those are really cute. I miss CVS..no CVS here in the boonies where I moved to.
Unknown said…
You sure can find nice items from CVS
Anonymous said…
I've seen several bloggers mention how much they love succulents. I think I need to get some. If I'm lucky, maybe I won't even kill them! ;)
Melissa said…
Those are very cute, I love the tray.
Saying hello from SITS!!
Unknown said…
I just thought I'd let you know that I fully intend to copy you! I just need a cute tray....hmmmm
AiringMyLaundry said…

I wish I could keep plants alive. Then I'd buy some.
Your CVS is better than my CVS!
Live.Love.Eat said…
These are adorable!!!!!

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