I Suck.

I love celebrations.

And, you know how I love to give away things.

Did you know my $#@%ing 1 year Blogiversary was March 29th?

HOW did I let that get by?



I feel like I just caught a glimpse of my birth certificate and I am older than I thought.

I am really bummed.

I had BIG, BIG plans for this.

Does someone want to throw me a surprise Blogiversary Party?



At least leave me a nice comment telling me how over the past year my writing has changed your life.



Alisha said…
I've only been reading for a few weeks, but now you're in my reader so I'm a faithful follower. I love your desire to foster optimism in children. And your wit. :)
TuTu's Bliss said…
I am changed forever..now I have to admit my favorite game when I have a free "ME" moment..I pop over to your blog and search a random word..why here? Because your blog is wonderfully full of all kinds of things and I am rarely dissapointed. Not only will there be several posts to pick from (no matter what the word) but they will be fun too.
Mimi said…
OMG, I laughed so hard. For a whole 6 months I thought I was turning 37, when I was already 37 & about to turn 38. I was older than I thought.

I've still never figured out how I could not have known my own age.

Anywho, you're writing has changed my life in ways too numerous to mention. (How's that?)
Tanielle said…
Sorry you missed it! That's o.k. You are awesome and so wonderful to read! Have a great Tuesday!
Anonymous said…
LOL>...I did the same thing with my 200th post...I was soooo gonna do a giveaway, and it just slipped past...I was at 212 before I realized it...so you don't suck alone!!
Snarky Belle said…
I don't think you suck. Not even a little bit!

I am a new follower of yours, but I can guaran-damn-tee, you've changed my life in this short time!

Happy Belated Blogiversary!
Kimberly said…
Happy blogiversary! I love to read your blog, seriously. You always make me smile. Or laugh. I love that! You rock!
CaraBee said…
I keep thinking that at every 100, I will do a big, celebratory post. But every time, I don't notice until 203 or 305. Oh well.

I fell in love with you when I read your ode to Big Lots and have been reading ever since. You totally rock!
Bunny said…
I love your sense of humor, you make me laugh even when I'm having a day were i don't think anything could make me laugh! Happy Blogiversary!!
Anonymous said…
Aw, sorry you missed the special date! I have just recently begun reading your blog, but I love it! I have to admit, though...my fav. is the one about your hot OB/GYN! Maybe you can do a year + one month blogiversary party?
Kori said…
I'm just glad to say I know you.

I love you.
Jen said…
Oh Tiffany,
I love you and your blog. Always have and always will.
kel said…
Sorry you missed it! Congrats anyway!
Happy belated blogiversary!!! You should re-post your first post for us. :)
Happy 1 year Blogiversary... :)
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh yay, we're 2 days away from the same blogiversary! I celebrated mine with an oh by the way it was my 1 year the other day, so I am totally feeling ya!

And yes, I love your blog. You are the bomb diggity. And I will never forget how good it made me feel the day I saw my blog on your roll. Sending you some virtual Mojitos and a big buffet of my favorite appetizers!!!!
Amy said…
I enjoy hanging out here. I think it great you made it to a blogiversary. I do not know when mine is. I guess I should find out. I am doing a Round Robin on Friday April 10th if you want to do you party then. Come on by.
Anonymous said…
I totally hear you. My blogiversary was in February and I completely forgot it too. I just keep telling myself that it's because I'm busy having so much fun LOL! Happy Blogiversary!!!
i am the diva said…
Congratulations! a lot of people don't make it past the 6 month mark! For my Five Year blogoversary i purchased my own domain name...

Happy Anniversary! SITS sent me.

Little Rockstar's Mom
Congratulations on the whole year! I think it's probably okay to celebrate for at least a month before OR after... just like a birthday.
Cammie said…
oh shoot. that stinks! Ummm, well you are the mom of SITS and through that I have met all sorts of people...does that count?
KatBouska said…
You. Have changed. My life.

I am prettier. More confident. Enjoyable. Prettier. Happier. Skinnier. Nice. And Prettier having read your daily reflections.

You are amazing, and my love is deep...like Ghandi deep.

Happy Blogiversary...I wonder when mine is...
Unknown said…
awwww happy belated blogiversary!
Misty Rice said…
Hi what a great blog you have. Just stopping by to meet a new face and say thank you for the comment you left on Angies blog to my guest post. Ill be posting winners tomorrow on my blog.

I look forward to getting to know more about you. Hope to have you stop by mine again too.
Amy said…
I am a new follower, but love love love your blog. You inspire me. Happy late blogiversary!
Rachel Lopez said…
Happy belated Blogiversary :)

You're posts make me laugh and cry more times than I can count. You are a tru inspriration.

Congrats on turning 1 and I look forward to many more.

Heather said…
I just started reading your blog, so I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading it. BUT I can tell you I look forward to reading it! Happy Blogiversary!
Kris said…
Happy 1 year and here's to many, many more! It's OK that it slipped by...it just means you've been having too much fun! I'm fairly new to your blog, but what I do know is that I love your "keeping-it-real" outlook. It's a blog I really enjoy visiting!
Jen Sue Wild said…
Happy blogavesery!!!

How has your writing changd my life.
simpel when I am sad i read your blog ..

Your quick whit and the funny way you say things quickly get me out of my funk!!
Anonymous said…
Dont you hate it when stuff creeps up on you... and then just swooshes on past?! GRRRRR!

Happy blogiversary!
Swirl Girl said…
Hope you had a great vacation!

Your blog and the SITS blog have inspired virtually hundreds of people this past year...thanks for that!

seriously .
Sheryl said…
your writing has changed my life in so many ways that i cannot think of them at this time!
Lula! said…
I would write something deep and profound here, but I am unable to...as I am crying and thanking God that I've known you almost a year. You know that I say, at least once a day, "Where has Tiffany been all my life?"

I love you forever.
Vickie said…
I have only been following you for a couple of months now. Your posts are great and never boring. Over at SITS you have helped me make some great bloggy friends. I have been following you over there since November. You are an important chick:)

You do not suck.

Happy Blogiversary!!
shortmama said…
Happy belated blogiversary! You are supercool (said while doing my cheerleader pose!)
I think you know just how much your writing has effected my life over the past year. :) Has it really only been a year? See how profound you are? It seems like longer. There will never be another Tiffany. Ever. I'm thankful for yoU! :)
Susie said…
Happy Belated Blogoversary:-)
Donnetta said…
Happy Blogoversary!! Even if it is a week or so late. But it's not MY fault now is it?? :)

Just shake your booty to rid yourself of frustration. Even though it's targeted for under 6, I can guarantee it works for us old folks too!!
Jenny-Jenny said…
Who said you can't celebrate late? I think you should have a 13 month blogiversary!

Thanks for the sitsterhood. It has brought much lovin to my blog.
Anonymous said…
How did that get by you? You must be a busy girl!

Of course your writing changed my life! If you hadn't blogged about your secret wish for a brass vanity...I would have always felt like a weirdo for wanting one too. :)
jori-o said…
Haha! I know what you mean! My blogiversary was in March too and I totally let it slip by...Life, you know? Happy blogiversary, nonetheless. You have forever changed my life for the better! ;)
Jes the Bes said…
Happy Blogiversary! My is coming up and I am planning on throwing a big bash!!
Cecily R said…
I'd be happy to pretend it's March 29th again. I made everyone do it for January 11th, so why not??
sassy stephanie said…
I think I've missed all of my bloggy milestones. 100th post? When the heck did that happen? Read this post and had to check to see if I've been at this a year or not.

Anywhooooo........YOU ROCk!
Marrdy said…
Congratulations on making 1 year blogging...and look...I am feeling brave and leaving you a comment. Where did the intimidation go? Maybe you're just a normal blogger like everyone and I shouldn't be scared!
my2boyz said…
I also let mine go by with little fanfare and I too had big plans...congrats!!!
Sarahviz said…
So glad I met you in real life! The future looks bright, babe...
Heather said…
Oh my stars...I get busy and look what happens!!! Your one year Blogiversary!!

I'm so proud of you and so lucky to have been able to keep you close to me this way.
April Greer said…
You are sooo not average...make up your own personal milestone...get out of the bloggy box and celebrate something weird like your 375th day (or something maybe neater that U can think up)! You missed nothing! Let everyone else do the 1 year thingy. :-)
Anonymous said…
I'm leaving you a comment telling you how your writing has changed my life in the past year.

I ain't gettin sh*t done since you pulled me in ;)
John Deere Mom said…
Hold up. A year? Surely you jest. I think it's been longer than that. I thought you started before me! Ah well. Congrats on a year...And it's never too late for a giveaway! ;)
Rhea said…
Your posts make me laugh...and I've discovered new terms and good books.

And I LOVE SITS. You and Heather started something wonderful over there.
Jennifer P. said…
I"m still here...so, yup, you've changed me!

I can't look at a bottle of hand sanitizer, or see a re-run of Growing Pains without thinking of you.

I am just still so,so,so bummed about this week. Stupid family.
Megan said…
Congrats on one year!! Woohoo!!

You're Fantab!! And don't forget it! =D

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