I'm on a Roll- with Pictures!
Not only am I blogging for the THIRD day in a row.. HELLO.... I've included pictures.
Ava and I may have just gotten our groove back!
Easter egg dying went down over here.
The supplies... don't you love the plastic containers they included? So easy.
Then of course, there is that metal,egg-holder-thingy...
Then of course, there is that metal,egg-holder-thingy...
Hmmmm.... what color? Oh the decisions.
how would those eggs look on my Seder table?
Love the photos. Your boy is so cute or I guess he is at handsome stage.
We decided to brave it this year with the 3-year-old.
Thank the Lord for Mr. Clean Magic erasers :-)
Love the faces on the eggs!
And ummm...those containers? Kinda look like condoms.
The Boy looks just. like. his. father.
Thus, we don't waste time coloring them. But I love yours. I should just do it, and say screw all the stinky eggs laying around two weeks after Easter is over...
Or, maybe I'll just stick with the plastic ones and live vicariously through you.
Yep, that sounds like a winner.
great photo friday
I know. I'm a dork. :)
Can I just say WOOOOO! How cool has PSF become to have you join us?? :)
Yes, my kids still believe in the Easter bunny and I'm very proud of that!
I was this close (picture me putting my thumb and forefinger together really, really close) to inviting you and your fams over tonight but then my family ALL got sick.
I shall be playing Florence Nightengale this weekend to 3 sick kids. That's right, I said 3.
I am the only well one. Physically speaking.
So did those plastic containers work? If I was looking thru the egg dipper I would see the sides being smooshed down and the dye spilling out!!!
Happy belated Easter!
Check out the giveaways on my other blog! http://www.sensiblefinds.com
Thanks for sharing!
Where did you get the little kit.