I'm on a Roll- with Pictures!

Not only am I blogging for the THIRD day in a row.. HELLO.... I've included pictures.

Ava and I may have just gotten our groove back!

Easter egg dying went down over here.

The supplies... don't you love the plastic containers they included?  So easy.

 Then of course, there is that metal,egg-holder-thingy...

Which apparently, can be used to improve vision and help you look like a Count.

Hmmmm.... what color?  Oh the decisions.

Then, the actual artist in action...

And, then, the final product!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Kati said…
OMG! I love your eggs.. and the little faces. We arent doing eggs until Saturday night.. I'm behind I know...
Susie said…
Those are awesome!! I love the narration of the creative process:-)
Anonymous said…
Reilly & I are doing this tomorrow, and we have the same kit! Thanks for showing your final results, so I know what to look forward to, LOL! I loved doing this when I was a kid!
Alex the Girl said…
Oh my, the precious freckles on that boy's face remind me of my daughter at that age. You are going to have to chase the girls off with multiple sticks. The eggs are cute too.
Unknown said…
LOVE your eggs! We have the same cups! We used the stickers up a few years ago, but the kids just love using the cups every time.
Unknown said…
my eggs never turn out that cute! love the lil faces...
Amy said…
Looks like he had a great time. I love those little plastic holders. Did they come with the egg set?
I'm impressed that it looks like everything was kept so neat. When we dye eggs the kids up more colorful than the eggs. Happy Easter!
Crystal Renee said…
Cute and I like those plastic thingys!
Anonymous said…
We are doing the egg thing this weekend -- along with some Easter Crafts. Thanks for sharing -- Love the eggs.
Live.Love.Eat said…
I LOVE those little cuppie things. They look like miniature collapsible hampers. Hah. Sooooo cute. And your little Count too!
Those are super adorable! Love the faces! :)
Heather said…
That's funny! I immediatly thought of a monocle too!
Swirl Girl said…
I love the egg head (baseball season, huh?) making the egg heads!!

how would those eggs look on my Seder table?
Mimi said…
Super cool baggies!
Ritch in Love said…
Those bags are extremely cool! I love them! And I love the eggs! I wish my kids were here to dye eggs with us! How fun are those funny faces?
shortmama said…
Those look like so much fun!
Jen said…
I am totally falling off my chair! 3 posts and pictures! Goodness, is that a pig flying by?


Love the photos. Your boy is so cute or I guess he is at handsome stage.
Ash said…
Adore the pictures! And the Count.

We decided to brave it this year with the 3-year-old.

Thank the Lord for Mr. Clean Magic erasers :-)
I love that the kits come with containers now! We used to use coffee mugs.

Love the faces on the eggs!
Jenny-Jenny said…
Love the funny faces on the eggs! Way to go.
Sarahviz said…
I'm quite partial to little boys with buzz cuts!
And ummm...those containers? Kinda look like condoms.
They turned out great!
Anonymous said…
Want to know a secret? My Indians are getting to dye eggs for the FIRST TIME this year... I know... BAD BAD MOTHER....
Heather said…
I am the worst mother ever. I don't dye easter eggs because it's too much trouble. I need an attitude overhaul. When did they start including "bowls" in Easter egg kits?????

The Boy looks just. like. his. father.
April Greer said…
Guess I'm not getting mom of the year (again)...I'm so behind. Some years we don't even decorate eggs...oooh is that really bad. Now I feel guilty! :-)
Shannon said…
Love the "Count" pic... definitely one for framin'!
Heather said…
My kids hate hard-boiled eggs.

Thus, we don't waste time coloring them. But I love yours. I should just do it, and say screw all the stinky eggs laying around two weeks after Easter is over...

Or, maybe I'll just stick with the plastic ones and live vicariously through you.

Yep, that sounds like a winner.
Wayne said…
those eggs are so cool

great photo friday
tiarastantrums said…
I bought that same dye kit . . so funny . . my son took him time and my daughters had all their eggs dyed in like 4 minutes and were begging son for his eggs!!
Cecily R said…
Is it weird that those little cuppy thingys are my favorite part? The six year old in me wants to keep them every. time.

I know. I'm a dork. :)

Can I just say WOOOOO! How cool has PSF become to have you join us?? :)
Anonymous said…
Crap! Haven't done that yet! Need to get my butt in gear to dye eggs and play the Easter bunny.

Yes, my kids still believe in the Easter bunny and I'm very proud of that!

I was this close (picture me putting my thumb and forefinger together really, really close) to inviting you and your fams over tonight but then my family ALL got sick.

I shall be playing Florence Nightengale this weekend to 3 sick kids. That's right, I said 3.

I am the only well one. Physically speaking.
Brandy said…
Cute! The eggs AND the boy that is...
Michelle said…
Peering thru the egg dipper allows you to see into the future. :)

So did those plastic containers work? If I was looking thru the egg dipper I would see the sides being smooshed down and the dye spilling out!!!
They look great. I'm trying to decide whether or not to color eggs this year.......:)
Alison said…
Great pictures, especially the one of the "Count!"
Shellie said…
Those turned out great and I love the expressive real faces too.
They look great! we'll be getting out the egg dye tomorrow!
Rhea said…
Those little plastic containers are adorable...and your eggs? Stinkin' cute!
Rebecca said…
I SUPER love the eggs. Those cups are great! Good job!
Anonymous said…
Now wait just a minute...are you telling me those don't collapse and spill over? I'm stunned. Cute pictures!
Lula! said…
We dyed eggs tonight. I love the smell of hardboiled eggs floating in colored vinegar. Good times.
Marrdy said…
I miss the whole Easter Egg process. But I do love those plastic containers.
kel said…
Cute!!! I love those containers!! very cool!!!
Unknown said…
Oh, I love the little faces on the eggs! I cannot wait until next year. Egg coloring will be in full effect. I am going to go all natural and make my own dye. Remember this comment - and hold me to it! LOL
Jennifer P. said…
I love the "Mr. Peanut" picture!

Happy belated Easter!
Unknown said…
I love watching my kids dye eggs. It's so fun to see their creativity in action!

Check out the giveaways on my other blog! http://www.sensiblefinds.com
Anonymous said…
Great Eggs! He did a good job!
Thanks for sharing!
Kris said…
That picture of your lil guy is classic!
Anonymous said…
Those eggs are great! And yes I love those foldable cups!
Tonya Staab said…
I'm totally digging those little plastic containers for dyeing the eggs, and those funny faces. Hilarioius.

Where did you get the little kit.
Whitney said…
Creativity at work here! Very cute! :)
the plastic thingy's were there? wow! so cute! and i love the faces he made...looks strangely like you. hmmmm
Megan said…
SO fun! The eggs came out GREAT!

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