A So Cal Easter.

Easter was absolutely beautiful here in So Cal.

We were lucky enough to spend it at the park with a great family {all blond children photographed belong to them.  My boy is in the orange.}

I brought my camera along.

Have a look.

Sandbox fun...

Beautiful girl in bubbles

Is that some golden hair or what?

Ready for the egg hunt....

And, they're off!

Gorgeous Children Alert- do I have friends with cute kids or what?

This one is my favorite...

Or maybe this one...

Well, this one is pretty cute too....

Then, I saw this one...

But, wait.... 

One more...

I hope you had a wonderful Easter/Passover/Whatever.


Kristen said…
They are adorable! I love the pi of them walking away from behind!Wasn't the weather amazing yesterday?
Pseudo said…
What precious shots. These photos make me homesick for So. Cal.
The Majors said…
I'm so jealous, it was cold, windy and rainy in Oregon :(
shortmama said…
Looks like fun was had by all!
Your kids look like they had a wonderful Easter! It is still chilly in my part of the world, so I enjoyed seeing some green in your photos. Have a great day from a sits...Cathy
Anonymous said…
Yep, those are some darn cute photos. I always love photos with people from the back so those are my faves!
Amy said…
I am a photo freak lately, I love them, they came out great!
Jes the Bes said…
I am envious. I am dying for a warm sunny day up here in The Great White North. I haven't wanted to snap any photos cause the weather has just been pooky.
Kori said…
Love the pics.

Completely & Utterly jealous of that weather.
Great photos, looks like fun was had by all on Easter.
sassy stephanie said…
Great pics. Looks like they all had a great time.
Sarah said…
Great pictures - looks like everyone had fun!
Amy said…
They took so cute. Boy did they have a fun time.
Wow! Those are fabulous photos! You did good! :)

(And I'm so jealous that it looks like summer there while we're barely going to get into the 60s this week, and our grass is sad and brown.) *sighs* heh.
Summer said…
cutest kids ever!!!!!!!
glenna said…
The nice warm weather looks wonderful. Sun is finally peeking out for us today.
Mimi said…
Dang, you make purdy babies!
Mimi said…
Dang, you make purdy babies!
Shasta said…
You have some extremely cute kids!! (and it's possible after three boys, you CAN get a girl??)

I love the "ready for the egg hunt" picture! You really do have some cute kids, and great pictures!
Jen said…
Oh Tiffany, those are some great photos!!!!!
Unknown said…
Great photos, Tiffany! I want to put on a pair of shorts and join you! (I might want to shave first, though!)
Anonymous said…
Wonderful pics! Our kids are sooooo cute. It was a fabulous day.
April Greer said…
Great photos. And it was a beautiful day. Since you blogged about coloring eggs...we did that on Saturday! Happy Easter.
Susie said…
It looks like you had a GREAT Easter:-) That's awesome!
Cassie said…
These are wonderful pics! I love the blowing bubbles one and the taking off running one. And yes you do have a gorgeous family!
Ashley said…
I had a NO AL Eastern - Northern Alabama....

SO CAL sounds much more glamorous.
Alison said…
Great pictures of cute kiddos (and the younger boy's hair is to die for!)
KatBouska said…
I love the excitement...and I love the little girl in pink with those big boys. SO cute!!
Aunt Julie said…
Love these Sunny, Sassy Snaps! I think the sun DOES shine brighter in So Cal, doesn't it?
Aubrey said…
Send some So Cal weather this way...please!!
Julie said…
Lots of cute kids there...hope your Easter was great too. (well, I guess it was, duh!)
AP Mommy said…
I miss So Cal Easters... I miss So Cal everything! Siiigh.
Your Easter was so...sunny. What's that like?

The pictures are precious. Do me a favor and make the boy stop growing. I'm just so not okay with this.
Heather said…
Tiffany, these photos were gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

Looks like y'all had a great Easter. The temps were only in the high fifties here, but the sun was shining and the kids were healthy and I didn't have to work.

All in all, a great day!
Heather said…
p.s. Love the new look of your blog :)
Mom to Five said…
Okay I am SOOO jealous of the SO CO Easter!! Our Midwestern affair was not so sunny and warm-boo!!! Your photos are gorgeous-I love the black and white shots!!
Heather said…
Are they barefoot????? I won't regale you with stories of our egg hunt...that had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. Whatever. The Boy is SO tall! I swear he looks like he's 12. And you are becoming QUITE a photographer, my friend.
tiarastantrums said…
oh to be running around with no shoes or socks!
Megan said…
Ooohhhhh nice!! It poured here on Easter and the day after.

The pictures are GORGEOUS and the kidlets are SO cute!
Unknown said…
What absolutely adorable pictures!
Anonymous said…
Hey! I know that park...I know some of those kids! Weird.

Playing catch up.....minus the drunken one I already left.

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