Stinkin' Adorable

I actually teared up.  Such simple advice. Such a difference we can make.


Snarky Belle said…
I teared up too! Thanks for sharing.
Katie Lane said…
This is stinkin' adorable :)
John Deere Mom said…
What are you guys tearing up about? All I see is a white space! :)
Mimi said…
Yep, just white space for me too!
I only see white space too.

I did read your rant though and I agree. SITs does allow women (an men) to have a place to showcase their talents, be it crafting, writing, bitching, etc! It is all very entertaining to me.

If people are using blogs as "slam books", then they should really go back to 6th grade.

I started my blog as a place to share pictures with family that was far away. Nobody ever left comments. Once I joined SITs, my blog grew in different directions and I find it really fun to share the things I've made or things my kids did, etc. Who knew?
Unknown said…
I reacted the same way! I put it up on my blog last night, too. The perfect way to start the weekend!
Oh my gosh. I hadn't seen this yet. LOVE IT>
Ash said…
Thanks - we needed that! (Oldest enjoyed it as well :-)
Amy said…
This was great. Thanks for sharing.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Very, very sweet! And I loved that music, too! ♥♥♥
Live.Love.Eat said…
Your titles says it right on. I almost teared up but I think I have to replenish my tear ducts. I am all cried out. The author of 90 Minutes in Heaven spoke in my church can imagine. He was dead for 90 minutes after being struck with a tractor trailer 20 years ago.
cherry said…
Ummmm I really did NOT need this at this time of the month...but what the hay! A good cry aint never hurt nuttin. I am sorry I have been such a poor posting as been scarce..but I read down about twitter...I have not joined sorry to hear the mean girls have to spread into all areas of this blogger world. I LOVE rainbows and unicorns by the way. Hugs, cherry
Jaime said…
That's the greatest!
kimert said…
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)
Adorable! Great advice, too.
Ashley said…
This is precious and such good advice! I love the "to do a little nothing everyday" advice with the goldfish in the hammock! ;)
awwwww that is such good advice, and it's adorable!! Made me feel a bit mushy! *sniff*
Anonymous said…
awwww...the part at the end where the baby goldfish nuzzles the mommy goldfish....awwwww
Snarky Belle said…
Did my last email make sense? Sorry for all of the confusion.
Yes, yes, yes...I most definitely want the Optimism Pays gift card to go to your camp!! :)
Stacey said…
That was really sweet! Thanks for sharing!
Unknown said…
How cute and so sweet! Thanks for sharing.

I came across your blog from the SITS site. Hope to come back and visit with you again soon.
mommytoalot said…
Awww too cute. and grea advice
thanks for sharing
Heather said…
Fishful thinking has really opened my eyes to so much. This is adorable!!
Anonymous said…
that's really cute!
Lula! said…
I love Fishful Thinking...even though I wasn't able to swim with you peeps in that ocean of positivity!
Cynthia said…
Loved it Tiffany. Thank you for posting it.
So simple. So sweet. So true.

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