Since I am crazy busy I thought I'd pull out a re-post... this is one of my favs...enjoy. I do have a good love story, but it's full of drinking and good lovin' and Barry Manilow songs and stripper bars and is totally and wildly inappropriate. So we will pass on that for now, but I can't promise I won't hit some kind of writer's block one day and spill every dirty detail. But for now, it's staying back in the past where it belongs. I do, however, have a story about a crazy lady. Those are always good, right? Well, right or wrong, here we go... (oh, one more thing. I am going to try to make this all cliffhangerish, so play along and beg for more...) So, you know how some names are ruined forever? Like "Mikey", cause the boy in second grade who had a booger collection and smelled like feet was named "Mikey". Or "Amber", who played "6 minutes in Heaven" with the boy you thought you were "going" with AND w...