It's Just Going Too Fast.

Whose baby boy is this?

And why is this picture making me cry?

Click on the photo and look at the determination in his face.   Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Leila said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog - your blog is gorgeous.

I assume that is your boy and he is growing up just way to fast!!

Treasure all those wonderful moments.

I LOVE the black and white one on Facebook. I wish I could take pictures like that.

And yea, when did he not become a little sweetly pudgy 5 year old?
S Club Mama said…
He may be growing up but you sure should be proud. I just know he's going to be such a great young man with a mommy like you!
Anonymous said…
Strike! What a great're right, he looks so determined.
mommakin said…
Mine keep growing and growing, too, despite my many orders to stop it! I just sent the eldest daughter to a semi-formal with a boy last night...

So I feel ya. :-)
Rhea said…
Awww, look at him throw! He's looking so grown up. GREAT photo.
Unknown said…
I know exactly what you mean! Seriously I look at my oldest daughter and wonder where she came from. ;)
Cheryl Lage said…
Omigosh and look at his form throwing, too. You're doing a great job, Mama! (and I'd be weepy, too....)
Amy said…
Baseball is a fun sport to play. Oh he looks so ready to get them.
Heather said…
Yeah, it's making you cry 'cause you can see the man he's gonna be in too short of time...

I know exactly how you feel.

Great shot, though. Love it. The future Mr. Libbey Litton as an all-star!

Brings back many lovely memories :o)
Alison said…
They do grow up too fast. At a graduation service today, all the graduates' parents assured me that I'll be watching mine graduate sooner than I can believe.
awwwwwwwwww so bittersweet!!

And he totally looks like he has good form too!
Megan R. said…
Oh my. Apparently we were channeling each other when writing our latest blog posts. My baby isn't near as big as yours, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to blink, and he'll be out there, playing a game with the same determination on his face. Sniff Sniff.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
I know exactly how you feel! Believe me! Just hang on and enjoy the ride!
Lula! said…
It's making me cry, too...we'll show this at the wedding of course. Will put one of Lib's dance pictures next to it. And sob.

Fifi Flowers said…
They grow soooo FAST!
BTW... love your new blog design!
Cecily R said…
What a great shot!!

I was JUST thinking the same thing about my a few more weeks he'll be done with 5th grade and on to 6th...holy CRAP!!
They grow up so fast don't they?
Susie said…
Because he is growing up before your eyes!! I always say that they are born and raised to break your heart.
Anonymous said…
Ohhh! They do grow up so fast. Sending hugs and a few commisserating tears (sorry, can't spell...)

sassy stephanie said…
Urgh. This wkend, my girls were laying on their stomachs, playing a game. I shed a tear looking at them, as I noticed how long their legs are, how big their feet have gotten. And don't get me started on the baby boy. Sigh
Love the pic! My second son is a baseball player and he gets that same look when he plays. :)
kel said…
awww.. check him out!! He's a determined guy! Great shot!
Marrdy said…
All you have to do is turn around and they are all grown up!
Lesley said…
look at that arm....your post made me hug my baby extra hard tonight, because i know it will be him in like a nano second
Live.Love.Eat said…
I can totally understand why you would tear up. He looks like a grown up, playing 1st string for the Yankees or something. Too sweet. And his face, yep, clicked and saw it.
They do grow up too fast!

Just yesterday I realized that my little nephew is going off to kindergarten next year!
April Greer said…
Your such a cute mommy!
Mrs. M said…
They grow up so fast! He looks so determined to get it right!!
Ashley said…
Sigh..... he looks so grown up. Pitcher, huh? Looks like you are going to have a handful in a few years. :)
Justine said…
Aw, poor girl. I know just how you feel. If you go to my blog and go to the second post down, you'll see my almost 12-year-old in a bathing suit, and THAT made me nearly tear up. The hormones are raging, the boobs are sprouting, and next will be the dreaded Aunt Flo. Somebody help me!

Justine :o )
Brooke said…
Love his facial expression in the photo. Very determined. I can't believe my 2 year old will be grown up someday. So sad.
MaryRC said…
that is a sweet shot. i do hope you have it framed somewhere, it deserves it.
Jennifer said…
OMG, too stinkin' cute!
Trish said…
I love this pic too!!! I've gotta download my boys baseball pics on his blog!!! Thanks for the reminder!
Anonymous said…
I loved it when one son was a pitcher. You can tell so much about what kind of person they are by how they handle themselves: some cry, some get mad, some are stoic! I can understand why you want to cry!
Vodka Mom said…
and I am sorry, but he is PRECIOUS. JUST ADORABLE.

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