Mother's Day.

This is what I posted last Mother's Day. It is still exactly what I want to say.

Breast or Bottle.

Your Bed or Crib.

Home School or Public.

Single or Married.

Nanny or Not.

Six or One.

Disposable or Cloth.

At Work or At Home.

Juicy Sweats or Cat Sweaters

Homemade or Store Bought.

No matter your Mommy style. I love you. I support you. I thank you.

Happy Mother's Day.


Lori said…
i {{{{love}}}} that post! Happy mother's day to you too!
Gina said…
Just lovely. Love your blog colors! Happy Mother's Day!
Stacey said…
That is a beautiful post. Stopping by from a Tweet RT from SITS. So glad to have found you.
Pseudo said…
And a very Happy Mother's Day to you as well.
Swirl Girl said…
A toast to Mom's everywhere!
Jennifer said…
Aww that's sweet! Happy mother's day to you too!
Tamara Dawn said…
Aww sweet and oh so true. happy Mom's Day everyone!!
Anonymous said…
this is very sweet :)
Anonymous said…
Perfect! I'm sure mommy bloggers everywhere say thank you! - Preston
Heather said…
Amazing how motherhood unites the most different of women.

Wonderful post, Tiffany.

Happy mother's day back atcha!
mommakin said…
Yep, that one was worth repeating.

Happy Mother's Day to you, as well!
Lesley said…
wonderful....and here's to you having a wonderful....fabulous....amazing mother's day....
shelley said…
what a great list! hope you have a great mother's day tooo! stopping by from sits!
Zeeshan said…
i love MY mom...........

PLease visit my site and give comments on mothersday..
Sehrish said…
Visit my all cool sites.
Susie said…
Happy Mother's Day to you too!!
Casey's trio said…
Happy Mother's Day to you!
Stacy Uncorked said…
Perfection!! Definitely worth repeating! ;)

Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day! :)
RebeccaMom said…
what a wonderful post! Thanks!
Happy Mother's Day to you, as well!
Robin said…
so sweet....
No matter your Mommy style, I love you, I support you and I thank you too.

Have a most beautiful Mother's Day.
Sarah K. said…
Thank you. Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day Tiff!

Can't wait to see you, and the kid, in a few weeks!
Beautifully said!

Happy Mother's Day!
rozzissweetpeas said…
That is SWEET...hugs rozzi
Anonymous said…
Aww that was beautiful!!!

Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

BTW I LOVE your new blog makeover!!!
Amy said…
Happy Mother's day to you.
Suz said…
Happy Mother's day
Lula! said…
It's still brilliant...
Happy Mother's Day to YOU!!!!
Jen said…
Yup its still an awesome post.
Happy Mother's Day to you.
Sarahviz said…
Perfect! We'll catch up soon - hope you had a fabulous Mothers Day!
Alison said…
Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being so supportive of other moms!
It's perfect!!

Happy Mother's Day to you!!
Marrdy said…
Happy Mothers Day!
Nicely put! Happy Mother's Day to you too. Thanks for all you do :)
Tracy P. said…
Beautifully said! Happy Mother's Day to you, Tiffany!
CaraBee said…
Well said! Happy Mother's Day!
Windi said…
Awesome! Love it! Happy Mothers Day to you as well!!
Bunny said…
Happy Mother's Day!!
A beautiful sentiment, thank you! Happy Mother's Day to you.
pan x 8 said…
I love it. There is not one mothering style, there are as many styles as there are mothers and that's what I love about being a Mom. It's easier and livelier to celebrate all types (like you just did) instead of comparing and feeling down about inadequacies! Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers who love their motherhood!
Vickie said…
I love the sentiment!

I hope your Mother's Day was great:)
Anonymous said…


Public...this word makes me laugh. Cause it looks like pubic.




DISPOSABLE!!!!!and sooooooo not ashamed to say it.

At Home

Juicy Sweats...if you consider sweat juicy


This was a meme right?
LOVE this. You know that we all love you, too, right?
Anonymous said…
Very nice! I hope you had a great Mother's Day!
Aunt Julie said…
Lovely. And hope your Mom's Day was wonderful, as well! Any "guest-posting" opportunities on the horizon? You know I have so much to say!
It's so true, we all just do the best we can. And you know what? It all works out in the end. Thanks for the reminder :)
Single Mama NYC said…
Thanks for including us single mamas in that beautiful post. Makes me smile.
Cat said…
Love the thought! I hope you have a great mother's day!

I just found your blog on SITs. I can't wait to scroll down and read some more.
Anonymous said…
Let me introduce myself and say happy belated MD and happy tuesday evening. In response to part of your entry: It's almost time for libations here in SWFL IOW (in other words), no bottles in this house except for the adult variety, as my babies are all grown. I am adding yours and heather's links to my blogroll and will visit you and the other sista's as often as I can.

Did you see that baby on her blog, the yummy chubby one? I could bite her! My thighs kinda look like hers... is that tmi? Well I don't know what to say to introduce myself. Please go read my blog, I've got some recent posts that talk about who I am. Laugh Often, xJ
Hey cool post! I like it, very non judgemental. That's how I like to keep things! Found your blog on SITS.
K bye. :)
AiringMyLaundry said…
What a fantastic post!
Lo said…
Fantastic post! I'm having a giveaway. I'd love for you to come by and enter!
Live.Love.Eat said…
So perfect!!!!!!!!!! So true too on how I feel about all of you too!!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!!!!
Mrs. M said…
Love it - what a fantastic post that you can probably use for years to come, maybe adding a few new things as our children get older. ;-) Hope you had a wonderful day. I did.
Woo hoo for non judgment. We mommies should support each other and not snark about parenting decisions. Way to be.

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