New Moon Footage: Oh My.


Kati said…
I remember that from the book.. ahh man.. I am soooo posting that on my blog! Ahhh!
Megan said…
oh did you find that I thought i was going to pass out. yum!
Shannon said…
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say...

looks like our fasting and praying is going to pay off...
I saw those on facebook :)

Oh how I love to see Edward when he sparkles :)
CaraBee said…
My hopes are VERY high for New Moon. Let's hope these picture are an indication of good things to come!
Lula! said…
Yes! What Shannon said...
The fasting and praying is MAKING IT HAPPEN.

Hellooooooooo, Rob's abs. How you doin'????
Vickie said…
I have not read the books and I didn't see the first movie, but this scene had me swooning a bit:)
The Rambler said…
Oh my indeed!!

Seriously. Wowza!
MIITB said…
Is it wrong that I got chills? That was one of the best scenes of the entire series.
And holy abs!
S Club Mama said…
I think I may need to re-read this book because I don't remember why he has his shirt off and why she's running to him. I remember they're in Europe and the creepy Mafia/Pope-like vampires.
Becky D said…
oooh...that just sent goosebumps and chills down my spine! November can't come soon enough!
Just Lisa said…
Oh, Lord.... I don't care why he has shirt off... I'm just glad it is! HOT!
Anonymous said…
shortmama said…
Um I havent read any of the books or seen the first movie...Im a slacker I know. Can we still be friends? Please? Hello? You still there?
Sera said…
Ay caramba! That was lovely. :)
Christina Lee said…
goose bumps all the way! My heart is a pitter pattering. I have to say though, they should have picked jeans that made her butt look a little better.
Juliet Grossman said…
I am always the only Jacob lover. (He seems so cuddly.)

I am having technical issues with SITS again. I know others had the problem too (browser issue?) but it only happens to me with SITS, and no other sites. I was able to read SITS yesterday and leave comments but again today IE keeps closing it on me:-(
Anonymous said…
I may have just had a heart attack...but not in a bad way ;-)

Jamie :)
Ashley said…
Yaaaaayyyy!!!! I'm sooooo excited! Is it November yet?
Schmerica said…
I feel that this moment has been captured perfectly. I am very excited for what's to come...
Alison said…
Well! *fanning myself vigorously* Somehow I seem to have gotten rather...warm watching that!
April Greer said…
Need to see the first movie still!
OMG, he is so hot. *swoons*

Thank YOU!!! heh.
Lani said…
I JUST saw Twilight for the first time the other day... SO hooked- I want more! Thanks for posting!
Ashley said…
Oh. my. lawd! I think I blushed and fell in love all over again! I'm so excited for November!
Casey's trio said…
Woot Woot! Can't wait for the movie:)
Rachel Lopez said…
OMG! This trailer makes me want to see New Moon. I still haven't seen the first one, as you know. I hope they have learned their lesson from the first Twilight production.

♥ Boomer ♥ said…
As hard as this is to believe, we FINALLY got to see the movie last night! It was so good! I think I should get a copy of the book, too.
Oh that's *nice*. They should make you the new PR rep for the movie. I think you just got about six ladies to go out and buy or re-read the book!
Aunt Julie said…
Someday, Sweet Prince, I'll read these dern Twilight Books so I can know what all the fuss is about...
Heather said…
Does this mean you're giving New Moon a chance?

I was nervous. I guess all of Lula's fasting and praying is paying off. In many ways.

Did you see those abs? Of course you did. Oh my.
TuTu's Bliss said…
Oh My indeed!!! That is steamy but he doesn't do it for me. Wolverine is still my number one. He is the one and only. My true hot and heavy. I think Wolverine would eat him for breakfast. I hope I don't feel the wrath for that little confession.
I'm just now starting the books!
*sighs* I'm just commenting again because I came back to watch this for like the 3rd time. hehe.
LORI said…
Anonymous said…
Is it November yet?
Frantic Holly said…
MMM Thanks for the eye candy this morning.
I officially can't wait. I wish Stephanie Meyer would WRITE more in the series too :)
BrnEyedGal said…
***Can I be speechless?** WOW. That Kristen has the best damn job in the world, What I'd give to be here for just one day!!! LOL
Great video...(now Im going back to watch again!)
Marrdy said…
Holy Katz!!! I need a cold shower!
Heather said…
Big wet, heavy sigh.
Wow! That was cool! Oh my is right!
I was kind of bummed I broke down and watched Twilight last month after holding off. I was afraid it would break the spell I was under - and I was right.

But, what's done is done and I'm ready to move on and watch New Moon when it comes out.

Thanks for the clip to whet our appetite :)
Suzanne C said…
I feel like a teenager all over again! ***sigh***
3 Bay B Chicks said…
So I have been busy getting excited about SITScation, checking out some of the bloggers who I have not read before. One blogger, in particular, caught my eye. The very funny Lula wrote a post about an arranged marriage between a certain "boy" and her lovely daughter.

Now, I do not want to go interfering with a long-standing friendship, but I come here today with an alternative proposal. Think about my little girl. While she is younger than your boy, it could be a California blogging match made in heaven.

Consider and let me know.

3 Bay B Chicks said…
Oh, and can we still be friends after I tell you that I have never read or watched anything to do with Twilight before this clip?
Brandi said…
*wiggling eyebrows*

I can't wait. :D
Jennifer said…
OMG OMG OMG! Ok I haven't visited your blog in the longest time but I'm so glad I did today! Umm, LOVE that clip!! Though just pictures it's sooo hot! and that kiss... steaming! wow! haha! I heart twilight!

PS: I just pulled my friend over to watch it too so you may have a new blog stalker!
Anonymous said…
Team Jacob!!!
Natalie said…
Well, I definitely enjoyed that! I may have to break down and enter the world of Twilight soon.
wenderful said…
Can't wait! Looks like they might have spent a little more money on this one. :)
Lift Like A Mom said…
At first, I made fun of my friends for being so in love with the Twilight series. I didn't understand what could possibly so good about vampire movies that they were pretty much obsessed. I can't put the books down and was really upset when Twilight ended. Haha :)
Night Owl Mama said…
that part looks good. I still don't get into the whole Vampire thing though. Stopping by from SIts to say hello
Cristin said…
I'm pretty sure I didn't form a single coherent thought for a week after those shirtless Robward photos came out...

Live.Love.Eat said…
OH man Tiff, don't hate me but I still can't dig him. I can't wait to see the movie but every time I see Robert I have to picture someone else for it to do anything for me.
Unknown said…
Wowwwwwww. :)
Can't wait to see the movie.
Hollie said…
My 11 yr old daughter loved that link!
A friend of mine came over last night to watch Twilight. We had popcorn. And I warned her that the movie was not that good. But even after watching it. And dissing it. We were still online looking at previews to New Moon. And plotting and planning about when to see it when it comes out.
Robin said…
Oh my is right.....


Have a beautiful weekend.
thatgirlblogs said…
when I see this, all I know is it will be playing non stop on theTeen's DVD player very soon...

Stopping by from SITS!
Aunt Julie said…
Still hoping you'll have a Twilight Giveaway so I can find out what all the buzz is about...
S Club Mama said…
Where are you? I miss you!
Fifi Flowers said…
AMAZING ABS... ooooooh my!
Pseudo said…
Thank-you for that. Just what I needed with my coffee this morning.
Danemama08 said…
Im currently rereading the saga, again for the 5th time. Cause I love it so much!
I so hope New Moon will be better than twilight. And with him looking like that *swoon* I really cant wait!!
Didi said…
Hmmm..what is wrong with me? Why can't I get into Twilight?
Susan Cook said…
Looks cool. Although I didn't read the books or see the first movie.

Have a great night.
kisatrtle said…
now that they are dating in real life how long till they break up and ruin all this chemistry??? UGH
Vodka Mom said…
love this - so did Bitchy.

I have a Wishbone giveaway - who do I let know about it??

It's on

thanks, Tiff.
Queenie Jeannie said…
LOVE IT!!!! Can't wait!

Ooops, should be's come tea and Excedrin for your headache. I'll make you some scones later.
Anonymous said…
I can't get enough of this clip. I am so going to be front and center when this film is released the first day I swear.

I think I need a cold shower...


P.S. Stopping by from SITS and wanted to let your readers know about a $75 e-card giveaway I'm hosting to reach 200 followers. Details at
Anonymous said…
Don't his abs look painted?
DiPaola Momma said…
I know it's just silly for grown women (mommas no less) to go gooie over a movie made from a book geared towards teenagers.. BUT I DON'T CARE! I LOVE IT!!! Oh Edward take me away!!!!!!!!! Shine on you sparkly vampire!
Jaime said…
Oh my.
I have to go see that movie.

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