Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

So, I am so not a blogger.

That last post was up for a week.


Anyway, I am totally busy with life, but still love and adore you.

So, don't worry about me, I'll make it back to blogging.



Julie said…
You're still a blogger, but it doesn't own you, you own IT. Or some crap like that :)
Karol said…
A WEEK?! Wow. You're such a slacker!!! (*ahem* my last post was up for over a month!!)
Don't feel bad, I've been a terrible blogger lately! Darn real life getting in the way of my computer time. ;)
TheHurt said…
Don't feel bad about living!! In the end, if blogging becomes something you feel like you HAVE to do every day, you need to stop. You just potter about IRL, we'll still be here, patiently waiting. :)

Kori said…
Been missing you. Love you still loads.
Amy said…
YOu are a great blogger. You blog when you want and have fun with it. Have a great day.
Alex the Girl said…
Life. Imagine that. Gotta love it.
Snarky Belle said…
Ditto to the comments already posted! I'll be here whenever you have something to say and the time to say it! :)
Cecily R said…
Uhhhhh, that happens a lot at my blog (the whole leave it up for a week thing). I've decided I'm cool with it. And clearly your readers are cool with you doing it too. :)
Heather said…
My sister was out of bloggerland for a MONTH.

I had to resort to peer pressure and an "I'm Telling MOM" to get her to do a post today.

Spring is a busy time, we know, we know. But we still miss you!
Anonymous said…
I know! Me too! What's wrong with us?

...I'm in your bushes again....
Sapphire said…
*exhale* Thanks for keeping it real. It happens, doesn't it? Being new to blogging I was totally beating myself up over not updating.
Sarah said…
That's how I am lately, too.
Alison said…
Hey, real life takes over sometimes. Don't worry about it.
Corinne O said…
I feel your pain. My cookies sometimes expire between posts... life gets in the way...
sassy stephanie said…
I hear ya. No need to worry. We will be here.
shortmama said…
What?? You have a life outside of blogging? WTF!? Its madness I tell ya, MADNESS!!
Soliloquy said…

How is it that I am only JUST finding your blog?

And why am I thinking you'll ever even SEE this comment? If you're not blogging, you certainly won't be reading comments.......


I just subscribed anyway. I'll just pretend like you know me.
I understand. *nods*

These things happen. We'll be here. :)
Shannon said…
I feel ya.

And I still love and adore ya, too.
Bunny said…
I'm with ya on that one, totally understand!
Marrdy said…
You're a great just gets in the way sometimes. I completely understand!
Aubrey said…
Oh girrrl! I hear ya!

This month is totally kicking my booty. And it's only the 7th...

I did get my 2nd post up this week though! Baby steps. LOL
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Life is busy. Everyone deserves to give themselves a break! ♥
Swirl Girl said…
I seem to go days without blogging (read:posting) and then all of the sudden, I have a spurt !

ooh - I feel one coming on. Is there a salve or some topical ointment for that??
kel said…
I took a big break from blogging this week too... there's something in the air.
must be the week...i'm getting posts up late this week and having a hard time. maybe it's spring fever! miss your posts, though.
Anonymous said…
I hate when life gets in the way.

Hope you get back soon.
Ash said…
When you become a slave to the machine, it's time to take a step back.

I miss you something fierce though - absolutely no pressure :-)
Unknown said…
I just finally added an update to mine. My goal was at least once a week but being a wife, mom and running a business can really alter a girls plans! Thanks for the great mom post. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone for tomorrow or almost today on Eastern Time.
pan x 8 said…
You are so great! I'm new... I feel like if I don't blog everyday - I'll miss out blog comments. but oh wait, I still don't get many anyway - how do you do it???? ;p
mommytoalot said…
I know what you mean.
I've been crazy busy, but blogging has helped me put some of my feelings down. I've always journaled..this is simular.
It's been a rough couple of weeks for us, but things are finally calming down
Unknown said…
Congrat's on your feature with SITS.My children are all grown up so now I have time for blogging. Enjoy them now and blog when you can
Unknown said…
Heck it gets overwhelming to post daily. If i could i would take month long break however I think everyone would think i was dead if I did LOL
wenderful said…
Thanks for the empathy about end of the year craziness. It's so nice to know I'm not alone. Now on to take a quick peek at your house. :)

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