Coming Up for Air


It's been a loooong time.

Too long.

Still busy, but wanted to let the few of you who still come by to know that I am alive and well.

Hope to return to blogging soon.

I know, you totally miss me.

I totally miss you.


Mariah said…
Yeah. Where are you? Still "pimpin" yourself out? We want some rants and raves:) Come back soon.
Connie said…
Okay. Thanks for checking in....
suzspeaks said…
I was totally thinking about you the other day and I thought.. "Man, I miss her and her posts"! Really!
Susie said…
Good to hear that you are still around:-) I am looking forward to your return:-)
Alison said…
It's good to hear from you! I'm subscribed in Google Reader so when you post again, I'll know!
Amy said…
Glad to know you are doing okay.
Kori said…
Like Totally miss you!
KatBouska said…
Geez, I didn't even realize it had been that long since you posted!
Jen said…
thanks for popping in. Its good to know that you are still alive and kickin'.
Heather said…
Summer comes, camps start and you disappear.


You know we'll still be here when you get back to us. (Not so) patiently waiting...
Swirl Girl said…
Been busy with camp and all??

that means you are In Town...I fully expect to meet you this summer, right?

Hope you had a great weekend!
April Greer said…
Yes we "totally" miss you. Happy Fathers Day to Scott!
TuTu's Bliss said…
I understand, I've given up on ever coming up for air and just invested in snorkle gear ;) I don't think I even know how to relax anymore!
Unknown said…
I DO miss you! Thanks for popping in and letting us know you're alive! :)
Hi New here & to Sits, and trying to figure it all out! Looks like fund and will be back!
I was thinking you've been busy with Sitscation stuff! :)
Marrdy said…
Glad to see you're kinda back!
The Mrs. said…
I blame summer, there is something about this time of year that makes blogs go a little quiet!
Yep. We totally miss you.
Jennifer P. said…
aaaaw...miss you too! But thanks to Facebook I know where you are and what you're doing :)!

Come back soon...with lots of stories!
Vodka Mom said…
Tiff- I can't believe I can't find your email.

Some days I'm convinced I really AM blonde.

I have another giveaway- a small one, for STUFFING. Who doesn't love stuffing???

Lula! said…
Yes. I miss you much. Like the Janet Jackson song.
Ash said…
Take care of yourself!! I'll just be sitting here, patiently. :-)
Sara said…
Well, being that I "JUST" found you thanks to Toni and Label Daddy.... I haven't missed ya yet. Look forward to getting to know you through your blog! :)

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