I Will Remember This.

I wish I still had my pink sleeveless t-shirt with the Bille Jean iron-on on the front and my name in felt letters on the back.


I watched the Thriller video at least 500 times in an attempt to know every.single.move.

Today, on my usual route home, driving down Hayvenhurst, I passed his parents home.  

Tons of people were gathered outside, news trucks were everywhere.  

A stack of flowers was beginning to mount.

No matter what else went down, he was and always will be the King of Pop.

For the real Michael Jackson experience, watch the video in full screen.


Aunt Julie said…
What a waste. And what a talent. I can still do most of the Thriller Dance all these years later!
Mrs Anne said…
My heart breaks for him... his family... his kids.

His fans.

He will FOREVER be the King of Pop in my heart.

Mrs Anne said…
My heart breaks for him... his family... his kids.

His fans.

He will FOREVER be the King of Pop in my heart.

Unknown said…
It really is so sad. So much potential. So much talent. It's just sad.
It is very sad, he was so so talented.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Yesterday was a sad day. No one will ever dance like MJ. He was simply amazing, but seemed like a lost soul. I guess things always tend to start at the beginning, without earlier influences. I understand that his father was harsh.
Jingle said…
I'm so sad about it. I posted thriller today on my blog.
Marrdy said…
I remember this like it was yesterday. Loved the moves, loved the song!
It's so sad. :(

First concert ever - Michael Jackson, Bad tour.
Anonymous said…
I too stated in my post today that I thought he was a lost soul.

Such talent...

So sad...
Swirl Girl said…
He was the Elvis of our generation.
What a troubled life - but what a musical genius.
Jen said…
so true.... always the king of pop.
Ali said…
Amen. A legend.
Amy said…
I feel the same way.
Alisha said…
I couldn't believe it when my husband told me the news this morning. There was a large gathering in Vienna, Austria (where I live) this evening so celebrate his music. I posted some video from YouTube on my blog.
Susie said…
I remember the art and mourn what he had yet to bless us with!
Lula! said…
I loved him. I really did.

And we will do every bit of the Thriller dance in September. In the water. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Rest in peace MJ you deserve it. I will miss him but his music will always be on my IPOD.
April Greer said…
I choreographed my high school aerobics work out to Thriller with a small group of girls...seems like a long time ago. So sad to see him go so young.
Mariah said…
I must have looked like a complete idiot while doing that dance!!! A. Happy. Idiot. I miss the old MJ. His music was...amazing. Probably a lot of us wrote about him today.
Rachael said…
I couldn't believe how sad I was about it. He was truly an amazing musician and such a big influence on the music world.
DL said…
Thanks for posting, T. Brought back a lot of memories. He left an deep imprint in Pop music! A sad life, but hopefully his children will be okay.
Adalia said…
He had supreme mastery for performing and touching people's hearts. He understood that we are all part of each other. What ever the challenges were that would not allow him to be comfortable in his physical body, at this point time is irrelevant. The authentic Michael, his core essence, radiates and will touch lives forever.
lov said…
my heart breaks for his family :(
momentsinaneye said…
We have lost an amazing person. I truely know that he and his music touched us all. He will be missed, but his music will live on and on.
wenderful said…
Still remember sitting on the couch while babysitting and watching the debut of Thriller on MTV. Good times. After that, things seemed to go downhill for Michael. Sad. He will be missed.
GypsyFox said…
what a truly sad day! I love thriller! xoxo
Marrdy said…
This is my favorite Michael Jackson performance...still get goose bumps!!
Trish said…
Thanks for putting a video that was the MJ I remember... not how he ended! Bless his children and their road that lies ahead! Who knows... maybe one of them will continue his talents!!! We can hope anyway!
Anonymous said…
what annoys me are the rising stories in blog world...

like... he faked his death.....(my take...its ANNOYING...STOP)

Kids are not biological....( my take..mind your own business...)
Anonymous said…
I still can't believe it.

Thank you for my win on sits!
Maureensk said…
I'm visiting from SITs. It is so sad. I had the worst crush on him when I was in junior high. Then I had a crush on a boy I didn't even know because he looked like Michael Jackson (even had one white glove). I tried to moon walk so many times, never did master it.
Susan said…
I personally wasn't a fan of MJ.. I just never had appreciation for his music outside of when he was young. It's tragic though, regardless of my opinion ;-)
Mimi said…
That Moonwalk move was astounding at the time. Still is the way he did it. He was brought up as a man and turned into a boy in my opinion. (not an original thought, but one that I think is on target)

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