Facebook Fiasco

So facebook seems like a great idea right?

Are you aware it can be used by your enemies?

It can.

Like the my arch enemy.

We will call her "Sue".

Sue is one of those people who you seem to always cross paths with.

One of those people who has always been, well, jealous of your life.

And, in love with your husband.

We recently attended a party.

She was there.

With her camera.

And, a sole purpose to take as many bad pictures of me as possible.

After calling my name and taking a very close photo of my surprised face, she said, "These are going up on facebook."

Then proceeded to snap away at me all night.

To the point that my husband even noticed.

The pictures of course, ended up all over her facebook page.

The worst pictures ever.

Like in the midst of laughing with eyes half shut and double chin pictures.

She of course tagged me.

I untagged.

She tagged again.


I thought of the perfect revenge.

Tonight, and for all the nights after that, I am going to sleep with my hot husband.

And she's not.


Anonymous said…
The end is the best part. What a few bad pictures compared to what you get every single night that makes her so jealous?
Anonymous said…
Ok, that should read, "What are a few bad pictures..." It's been one of those days!
MRP said…
Bwahahhaa! Lovin' this post... girl, you don't need to get back at her.. you've so outdone her from the moment you married your husband. ;) She obviously likes you A LOT - why else would she put pics of you all over her facebook?! ;)
Anonymous said…
Wow, pretty sad. On her part. I mean seriously? You should just unfriend her. But not before leaving some nast comments on her wall! What? There's nothing wrong with being a little vengeful.
House of Smiths said…
AH! lol. Does she read your blog? I assume so. Are you dying. I have TOTALLY felt this way, but can't blog about it, for fear that that "person" may read it! You are so brave. And funny. (and also curious about those pictures... and the brat that took them. lol)
Unknown said…
That would infuriate me! Too bad you can't post pictures of your revenge for her to see!
Heather said…
A bad picture of you? Whatever. She must've really put forth effort, which is really pathetic.

I love your revenge.

Maybe you should put that as a comment on one of the pics...
Amy said…
FB can be crazy and you never know who you will find.
Susie said…
That's too sad...her life must be so small:-(
M said…
I'd drop her like a hot rock from my friends list.

People are INSANE!
Ali said…
Best revenge ever!

Take THAT Sue.
TuTu's Bliss said…
LOL! Facebook frightens me!
Alison said…
I just don't understand some people. I think I'd unfriend her too. That reminds me of a quote I read once: "Is life too short to be taking s*** or is it too short to mind it?"

Sounds like you're taking the high road!
One of the best posts ever written!!! You are hoot! With a hot husband to boot.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Does she know about or stalk your blog? I hope not!
KatBouska said…
Ewww. Drop her from the friends list for sure. Who does that?
S Club Mama said…
what a weirdo! And I thought the girl in love with my husband was weird. :( so sorry...but really, you're beautiful. anyone can see a bad picture and tell that is what it is. :)
Rachael said…
What a jerk! You DID get the best revenge though!
shortmama said…
How juvenile! That is great revenge!
Megan R. said…
LMFAO, LOVE your revenge! Um, and I would SO go and post that below every picture. "Hmmm, even with pics like that, guess what? Hot hubby is still doing me! What are YOU doing??"
Anonymous said…
LOL best revenge scheme EVER!!! You go girl...

Then FB it...or comment on her pictures about how Hot your husband is...and how he just loves these kinds of pictures of you...

Or just enjoy "sleeping" with your hot husband...lol.
JosiahsMommy said…
LMAO! You go girl! I love the revenge. Perhaps a link to this post would be appropriate to place on facebook. Tag her in the note. ;-)
mommakin said…
Revenge is sa-weet!
Carrie said…
I can not believe someone would actually do that. I would never put someones picture on facebook unless A)They were ok with and B)they looked decent.
I don't know this woman, but what a jerk.
M.A. said…
Oh, man. Don't you love the "Sue" people of the world?! Good for you, though, you've got the last laugh!
cassie said…
This is why my tagged photos never show...aside from the fact that many pictures I have been tagged in are..not me at my best :) The end is the best part!
Rachel Lopez said…
Hi Tiffany!

OMG! What a freak! You rock for keeping it classy.

Living well is the sweetest revenge.

Jen said…
that is the perfect revenge. I hope it that your 'sleeping' was really, really good. ;)
Susan said…
Perfect revenge!
Amy said…
There always has to be ONE OF THOSE!! I love your revenge! :)
AP Mommy said…
Wow - did she forget she's not 14? Enjoy sleeping with your hot husband - maybe you should tag her in a picture of you, your hubby and a female dog - then she'll have to stare at your happy selves and understand the connotation behind the tag :D Too much? ;-)
Heather said…
Can she tag you if you aren't one of her FB friends? Oh wait, maybe so - doesn't seem like you'd *be* FB friends with her, eh?

What a giant PITA. Good on you for exacting the Best Revenge Ever! :D

Unknown said…
Think of the pictures you could post ... (wink)
Unknown said…
Hi, stopping over from, where else...LOL, SITS, saw your link in twitter and had to come read. What a nervy (insert derogatory word of choice).
You have the best revenge!
Shan G said…
Why do grown women (on the Net, especially) always act as if they are still in HS? Seriously, is your life THAT bad that you must use the world wide webby as a virtual, viral HS quad to spew your hate & vitriol?

Other people's kids, man!

I hope you had a great 4th! I hope you weren't close to that fire down your way. I was worried about you and TMM.
Unknown said…
Oh man. How old is she? Ha ha well she'll be jealous forever, because you are you and she... Well... Isn't!
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just Lisa said…
lmao! This is great! The ultimate neener neener neener!!!
CaraBee said…
You know what they say, the best revenge is living well. Screw her.
Unknown said…
LOL!! I love it. The revenge. Not what she did. She's sad. But you... you go girl!!! :)
Mimi said…
Make sure that your status says "Satisfied" in some way that makes her know what you were up to.
Swirl Girl said…
who is she? what a child!!

want me to prank her?
Shannon said…
LOVE your revenge... perfect just like you said!
Looks like you discovered the best revenge EVER!
Sera said…
I love your revenge. :) Seriously? I can't believe some people. How rude and disrespectful...and childish and stupid! So sorry!
Annie said…
Ack! Isn't there a way to delete yourself??? This is my fear- I want to pre-approve myself! LMAO!

My post tomorrow is about Facebook as well!
Tiffany said…
Oh no she did'unt!! :) Lovely "revenge"! Yes, and do the Satisfied status! HAHA!!
Anonymous said…
There is a new thing for this on Facebook from Staples! It's called Shred it by Staples...look it up in widgets there in FB applications. You can SHRED up any pic you want and also pretty up some with adding crowns, etc. Cute ;)
Happy SITS day! I LOVE this post! After reading this, I think we would be great friends...you're a girl after my own heart! :)
Yeah, I've felt that Facebook has some unsavory quirks that make me cautious.
Unknown said…
omg. i died. this is brilliant. and i hope more than i hope for anything else today that she sees this:)
She did. not. publish and then re-tag. You did get the best revenge. What a beotch though!
Isn't the greatest when YOU win in the end NO matter what?!!!!!
GingerSnap said…
Who does that? Who posts photos like that! My goodness. What a brat that girl is!
Aunt Julie said…
Yes, FB can be annoying that way. But sounds like you've planned the perfect revenge, all right! Listen, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Aunt Julie, Veggie Mom's SIL. Veggie is retiring today as the proprietress at Eat Your Veggies! today, and I'm stepping in. I realize I have really BIG shoes to fill, but I'm up to the challenge. Please come by and wish Veggie a fond farewell on her last post. Look forward to seeing you over at my new place!
Kimberly said…
LMAO at your revenge.

I guess I'm retarded, but I never thought to click on yours or Heathers names and see your personal blogs aside from SITS.

I'm glad I did though.
Larissa said…
I found you through SITS and admit I enjoy your blog and thought I'd say hi. *waves*

ugh I hate, no loathe facebook at times.

haha, I love the last part of this post, way to stick it to her. some people are just sad.
lov said…
perfect revenge....
and you know....
you should totally block her
and report her

that is what my husband did to his old girlfriend...who continued to ask him to be friends...
so you know what i had to do, for my own revenge....add her as a friend, and then make sure she knew (with all my cute pictures of my precious flake) how much she was missing! :)
Jenn said…
I'm always afraid of that happening!
You have an enemy?

She must be insane.
Anonymous said…
Hahaha....I'm afraid I laughed out loud at this...is this cruel and insensitive of me?! My mirth is probably only because I feel I recognise this scenario. ...and BTW I truly hate sites like Facebook, probably for this very reason.
John Deere Mom said…
And then are you going to post those hot sex pictures on Facebook? ;)
Anonymous said…

enjoy the romance...
Chickdey said…
1. I love your blog
2. Sue is a B*tch
3. I'm so addicted to facebook.
April Greer said…
Some so called "friends"....suck. I would never post a bad picture of anyone, anywhere (except maybe my kids...but hey they are fair game at this age)!
A. Spence said…
I think you should take those pictures and post them as your profile with "my husband LOVES this face!!" lol.

Sarahviz said…
You go girl! *finger snap*
pehpot said…
I love this! so fierce!

and yes, whatever amounts of worse, worst, worsest pictures of you can never compete with your revenge, the man she is in love with is right there under your spell :)

Make or Break
Unknown said…
That is too funny. You should make it your fb status...
I think "Sue" is on my "friends" list to on Facebook. ;)
Margarita Bloom said…
Oh, goodness! That must have been horrible....but you got the last laugh so to speak... :) ah, amour!
lilybox said…
Fabulous! perfect revenge
Ms. Wanda said…
Wow, that's never happened to me but, you made it very visual! Good for you going to bed with your hot hubby!!! You should take really hot photo's of you and him and Facebook old Sue:)
Tellie said…
Wait!! This kind of stuff happens after college?!?!?! Please don't tell me that, because I JUST got done telling someone off for writing a nasty note about me on FB. I was hoping once I graduated it would all end...lmao.
Lula! said…
I will cut her.

Tell Candy Man I said HEY!!!!
FB is a scary place, I hate that people can do that!

But I think my revenge would be something more 'in her face' but that's just me ;) like posting on her FB wall: Stopping by to say hi before I go to bed...hubby is waiting!
Pemberley Court said…
Hi! Saw your link on Blogicon! I love FB but am so sad that is happening to you! What a petty "little" person! I love what Days of Whine said about how you gotta get to bed.....hot hubby is waiting! That is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!
For some reason I think facebook is evil and now I have proof! Who knew??? Sleeping with the hot hubby is really the best revenge...if only you could podcast it to her facebook...
Sandra Winn said…
How childish on the part of your "friend." I agree with those who recommend you "unfriend" her.

On another note, kudos to you and your hubs hittin' the hay as "payback", lol.

~ Sandy
What a psycho!!!!! I'm sorry.

Perfect revenge. :)
Dana said…
Holy cow, what is she....12? That's got to be THE MOST childish, vindictive thing I've ever heard of. Get over yourself Sue, you twit! I love your revenge. You should shower her with hot pics of you and hubby. Not doing anything kinky.....just being hot and in love!
You need to dump her off your friends list. Great Revenge :)
Ashlee said…
Ew really? She needs to grow up. That is so rude and obnoxious! Oh well, like you said, you get to go to sleep next to that hot husband, and she sleeps with the cold :) Dropping in from SITS :)
WOW! Do people not grow up after high school! What is wrong with that lady! What a nutzo!
Hugs!! =D
Marrdy said…
Oh how I hate mean girls. But you are right....you have your hot hubby and she has nothing.
Anonymous said…
This is a totally awesome post! I love the ending. Perfect!
Dee said…
What a crazy woman!

I hope she finds this post.
AmericanTribal said…
Seriously, this chick sounds PSYCHO. Have fun sleeping with your husband and take comfort (and evil pleasure lol) knowing that she never will :P.
Oh my gosh that is too freaky...I never even though about that. I do like your sweet revenge though...that's great!
Ai Dihayco said…
i have to be very careful but exactly my cousin was a victim in facebook too. anyways, tks for sharing this.

an avid reader of ur blog here.
Anonymous said…
Love this post!!!!!
MamabearMills said…
totally awesome! love it! whata BITCH. hey come see me over at my blog! have a rockin saturday
Don't the mean girls ever grow up?
Unknown said…
Oh... what an evil "friend"! But... Kudos to your revenge plan! Hahaha!
Jennifer said…
What a psycho!! Really I hate people like that and actually know one...we can call her "Jane"
♥ Joanna said…
And THAT is the best payback ever!
I just stumbled upon your blog, and I'm truly enjoying it thus far.
(By the way, you can block people from facebook which will prevent them from tagging pictures of you, and finding you in any way/shape/form).
Anonymous said…
Oh..that just made me laugh out loud! Nice revenge though!=)
Just say Julie said…
Love it! I have some of those friends too, though I don't think I've had to deal with those extremes. Way to get back at her :)
Anonymous said…
She retagged them? I'd unfriend her.
Lisa Anne said…
PRICELESS!!!! Lovin it!!
Molly said…
LOL! Great story! Nothing better than getting the last laugh.
Scrappy Girl said…
I totally understand this story...I had a friend like that and I haven't seen her for almost 10 years...she requested to be my facebook friend...she was DENIED! mwhahahaha!
Kimberly Wright said…
This is awesome. You can make it to where she cannot tag you again on FB tho. Now go have some hot sex with your hubby and maybe you should say so in your status on FB just to get her goat.
Eileen said…
LOVE this post! I'm an FB addict and I totally know what you mean about the tagging, untagging war. Found your blog on SITS. Look forward to reading it!
Kekibird said…
Holy cow....I've had people untag themselves in pictures I've posted because they didn't want to be seen but I've never tagged them back! That's straight up rude!
ahhhh good one! very good one sensai.. must remember.
Ashley said…
This is hilarious! Sleeping with your hot husband is a fun way to carry out revenge! I like it!
Dumb Mom said…
This is crazy! See, FB is evil. And here I thought it was just me:)
Anna said…
get it girl!! i like your style. : )
Why oh why don't some people get a life? If she had one she would not need to mess with yours. Enjoy your weekend.
Colleen said…
Wow, what a sad little woman. I hope she reads your blog and can see how juvenille she has made herself seem!
Some women!

The hot husband comment was the icing on the cake.

☼Hope you're having a sunshine ☼ filled Sunday!☼
Karin Katherine said…
Priceless! I love it...and will you update your status so she can tell? LOL
Kaibee said…
Be a don't-care kinda person! What can a few pictures do when you already have everything she's jealous of! Nice post!:)
Brandy said…
Don't forget to update your status so that it says that...or something that eludes to that if you don't want to be graphic.
Wep said…
LOVE IT. Yeah, un-friend her. It's the junior high equivalent of talking trash about her at the HS dance.

Or start posting wonderful posts about the hubby :)
Erin Bassett said…
The nerve of some people! -At least you got the BEST revenge!!
Keyona said…
She sucks! Your revenge is AWESOME!
Anonymous said…
F#@! that b!@#$

If it were me I would block her. I blocked my awesome SIL. LOL!
Heather said…
I LOVE that revenge! Haha! What would make it sweeter is making sure how much you enjoy your hot husband on facebook where she can see! Oh and did you know that you can make all "tagged" pictures of you by others not show up on your page? Yep you can. You can set the privacy so that only you can see any tagged photos. ;-) Just in case you didn't know.
Merrie said…
All I can say is You Go girl!
Anonymous said…
That's pretty pathetic that she did that. It's unfortunate that people can be so jealous and try to hurt others. Oh well. You are are the better person!
Emmy said…
I can't believe she re-tagged you! I hope you completely enjoy your revenge :)
Awesome!! So if you block her as a friend and she can't get to you anymore does that mean she can't "tag" you on photos either? Just wondering....
Unknown said…
I guess we all have people like this in our lives. It's hard to ignore them, even though they don't deserve the attention. I know that it might escalate the problem, but I like the idea that was left in another comment, where you post something on her FB page about just getting ready for bed, can't stay long, your husband is waiting!
I hope all has gone well,
Sassy Chica said…
Go on chica with your Sassy Self, enjoy your hot husband!

Karma is wicked, it will come back to her!

Sassy Chica
THE Stephanie said…
Hilarious. I love it.

The end, of course. :)
Love this post! True so very true...I found your blog from the sit girls. So glad I did.
Woulnd't worry about her...as I'm sure you didn't. rock on girl
LORI said…
Elizabeth said…
"Sue" is very petty and immature. I am being really nice be saying that.
brokenteepee said…
Some people never grow up.
Unknown said…
What a jerk. Who does that? 12 year olds. That's who.
Bossome Sue said…
You are awesome!

And because of that, I won't hold it against you that you used the name "Sue" (which happens to be my name). ;)

~ AquarianJwl

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