I laughed so Hard I Peed a Little.

Okay, so maybe I am the only person alive that hadn't seen this, but I just about died laughing. I am not a fan of cats- but creative kids? Love them.


Heather said…
DEEEELICIOUS! I loved the screaming kittens. I feel like that alot.
I'd never seen it! My favorite was the screaming.
Jess said…
I agree! I loved the screaming!!
jori-o said…
I've never seen that either! I'm her mom! No, she's...not!
Anna said…
oh my gosh. quoting this was the only thing that got me and my friend through our 2 hour lecture every tuesday & thursday last semester.

seriously, hilarious!!
SugarandSpice said…
Okay...I LOVE CATS!!! And THAT is adorable!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah, the peeing kitty was a bit much, tee hee...what a funny little girl.

Jamie :)
Design It Chic said…
This was so funny!! The girl has some words, right??? oh and i loved the screams.. she even had different kind of tones for each screaming-face.. talented indeed:D

Coming here form SITS! Happy Friday!
Ms. Wanda said…
"I'm her mom, no she's not" has got me LOL!!! Love this kid:)
Juliet Grossman said…
Funny!!! I think this was on The Soup. Hilarious. I love "I'm her Mom." "No she's not" and the screaming. Thanks for something funny for a sick-kid-at-home Friday.
Marrdy said…
I love this video!! Makes me gigle every time I see it! Bow Wow Chick A Bow Wow!
Hilarious - I hadn't seen this before either. :o)
The Rambler said…
Okay...so I don't know where the new moon trailer was BUT it shows up in my google reader (thank God :)

And THANK YOU for sharing!!

Just recently got sucked into Twilight. Finished all 4 books in 7 days...and I'm so fricking hooked.

Just wanted to tell you thanks for the preview :)
Unknown said…
I'd never seen that, either. Andrew (my 4 year old) and I LOVED it!
Ash said…
Oh my - love it! Bow chicka? Anyone else worried that she knows that song?
Unknown said…
LOL...i have never seen this before...have i been living under a rock or what?
too cute
strokeofliving said…
Morning Tiffany,

This is a very cute an creative video. I just love children. Thanks for sharing.
Amy said…
I had not seen this. Thanks for sharing it with me.
renee said…
"I'm her mom" "No Shes not" LOVE IT. I am now a follower of you. Very cute site, by the way.
Eileen said…
Still laughing! Visiting from SITS.
Fabulous said…
To stinkin FUNNY! Thanks Fabulous..

Worried Sick said…
Found me way here from SITS. So cute. : )
for you...

Anonymous said…
Hahahahaha! I've never seen this! Hilarious!!! "double head!"

Stopping by to say a big THANK YOU for my bounce house I got this weekend!
Emmy said…
I saw this from a friend on facebook, it is soo funny!
Thanks for the good laugh... much needed first thing in the morning.
Anonymous said…
I'd never seen that before, thanks for sharing! So cute and funny!
Sober Mommy said…
I love this - I love the screaming! Thanks so much for the laugh - I needed that today!
Gabrielle said…
I think that is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever watches, thanks for spreading the laughter!!
Anonymous said…
I just finished showing it to my two little guys! First, I showed it to the 11 year old. Then he went to take a shower and told the 8 year old there's a really funny video mom wants you to see on the computer. 8 year old was amused, but thought his brother tricked him to get ahead of him in the shower--LOL

I still love the screaming parts!
Anonymous said…
Never seen it.... but I am sooo loving it! Screaming kittens rock!
Adry said…
Screaming part was the best!
Stopping by from SITS. :)

Come visit me for my first givewaway!
S Club Mama said…
Have you read the Twilight director's notebook? It's awesome, you'll love it.
Margarita Bloom said…
Oh, my that was adorable!! I love when she did that chick a bow wow....heehee!!! LOL...and the screaming. Too cute.
jules said…
I've never seen that either. The screamers are the best.
Sonya said…
This little girl is going to be very famous one day with the imagination and creativity she already has! Thanks for sharing!
Hannah said…
That's about the cutest ol' thang ever!
Nelly said…
This was HILARIOUS!!! I loved the screaming and the "I am her mom" - "No, she's not" quote. HAHAHA

Coming from SIT's
Happy Friday (dang, it's friday already? LOL)
Unknown said…
Wow. That little girl is super creative. I don't think my version of the story would have been nearly as funny. I love "BRAINSTORMING!"

New to SITS and checking you out :)
Mandy said…
Oh my gosh - I love this! (I peed a little too). I want to bottle up this girl and take her with me wherever I go. So adorable. Thanks for sharing this.

I had not seen this before, by the way. Of course I live in a bubble, a bubble confined to The Wiggles, Elmo and Baby Signing Time. So thanks for bringing some kid humor that doesn't want to drive me insane, prevent myself from wearing primary colors or leave me some annoying song in my head. :-)

Cheers! ~Mandy
Elizabeth said…
Absolutely adorable and priceless!!
Maureen said…
Ahahahaha! That video was great... thanks for sharing it! That little girl is hilarious!
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