Feeling Lucky?

So, SITScation is coming up in October.

It's going to be a fabulous weekend at a fabulous hotel with fabulous women.

Whrrl {this totally awesome application} is going to sponsor one lucky lady to the conference.

Airfare, hotel and ticket.

All paid for.

So get your sweet ass over there and enter.

Yes, even if you already have a ticket, you can enter.

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

And, can't wait for some luck to rub off in me in October.


Because you asked so nicely, I did. :)
mommakin said…
Ok, this is seriously bumming me out. I will be recovering from an elective surgery that had been scheduled before the SITScation was announced. So I didn't get too bummed, because the cost was a little prohibitive for me, but I couldn't go anyway because of the surgery. Now it's being offered FREE and I still can't go. Bummer of epic proportions!
LiveLaughLoveCj said…
I hope your luck is running high when you go in October. WhooooHooooo

Y'all have a blast! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the tales.

I hope this finds you and yours well.

SITS on....
Anonymous said…
Aww, lucky you! I'm going to be in school come October, so I have to pass this time. But have a blast for me!

Stop by and leave a note!
Ronda's Rants said…
Oh...I am so excited...This is awesome!
leigh hewett said…
Oh...I love a good contest. Which leads me to the whole point of this comment. I recently had a lovely award bestowed upon my Blog. Part of the rules states that I get to invite a Blogger that I respect to come over and admire my award.

So, if you have a moment stop by and be sure to say hi before you go!

Stephanie Faris said…
I can't make it this year but hopefully next. Good luck to everyone!
Anonymous said…
Oh my sweet ass is feeling luuuucky tonight ;-)

Jamie :)
S Club Mama said…
Alright, I've looked at this...and I don't get it. Maybe I'm too blond to enter...
Leah said…
First you're featured SITS blogger. Nest, it will be the conference. I think you're riding high on luck little lady. Cheers to you.
i am so tired tonight i can't be creative...i will have to put on my coffee drinking cap and start up tomorrow!
brokenteepee said…
So exactly how is the winner picked? I am most curious about this.....
Cynthia said…
Looking forward to SITScation and meeting all of you terrific bloggers.
Anonymous said…
Dear Author www.onemomblogger.com !
Excuse, that I interrupt you, there is an offer to go on other way.
Anonymous said…
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?

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