Time is on My Side.

So camp ends on Friday.

My busy, hectic, fun summer of hundreds of kids comes to an end and I go back to being a suburban mom.

A suburban mom with one kid who goes to school all day and a husband who is home.

I have quite a relaxed Fall/Winter ahead of me.

It's strange to go from everyone needing something to no one needing anything.

What shall I do with my time?

I thought I'd make a list.

1. Sit in bed and watch the entire second season of True Blood.

2. Figure out how to actually run a blogging conference, since I have never even been to one.

3. Blog at least once a week.

4. Visit at least 4 blogs a day.

5. Go on a cruise with Heather and Lula.

6. Cut my hair short. (This one is still up for debate.)

7. Report for jury duty. UGH.

8. Read. Read. Read. Read. Read. Read.

9. Announce some exciting news. (NO, I am NOT pregnant).

10. Have lunch at the vineyard with friends.

What would you do if you had the time?


Amy said…
I would take a nice hot bath and read. Lay in bed and watch movies and eat some junk food..
Jen said…
If I did not have to take care of anyone, I would take care of myself. Starting with getting more sleep.
lov said…
i had all summer planned out...
to do nothing but sit by the pool...
my plans changed, when my pool buddy, decided she needed to work some extra money, so she picked up hours upon hours of work at the hospital (her second job)
so i went to the pool all of three times....

i'm ready to go back to work...
and that to me is a bit sad!
i'm sure that will only last for a few days, and then i'll want some lazy pool days again!

have fun with your upcoming days!
Mimi said…
First of all I just got my hair cut shorter & I love it!

If I had the time (actually if my husband had the time) I would be spending my summer camped out in the woods, listening to the rain on the tent & smelling the campfire.
Anonymous said…
LOL...I like that list...I'm just going to try to keep myself together...and NOT be divorced by the time next summer rolls around...
Anonymous said…
I just want a pedicure! And not the kind of pedicure that is served up McDonald's style; I want a REAL pedicure...with a nice long foot massage!
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
If I had time, I would write a book.

If I had energy, I would totally reorganize my home, top to bottom. I would get rid of the clutter.

If I had time, I WOULD have the energy, huh?!
Kori said…
You're list sounds awesome. So glad you're gonn abe back to blogging once a week. I'm gonna hold ya to it.
Anonymous said…
Re-read all of the Twilight Saga before November 20th of course, tee hee! And...news...ooooh I can't wait to hear...

Jamie :)
Anonymous said…
SLEEP!! And seriously, that would be it.
S Club Mama said…
I would come visit you! BUT I'm super excited to read your posts once a week - I've missed you. This post is like a rare jewel!
Unknown said…
I'd come on the cruise with you!!

My kids' camp ends on Friday, too. It is a hectic schedule, and I'm just a parent of camp kids. Whew!
JosiahsMommy said…
Sounds like a great time! I'm a little jealous. Can't wait to read about it.
KatBouska said…
Yaaayyy!!! Bye bye bratz world! ;)

If I had time for myself I would...watch reality tv, read read read, shop shop shop, blog everyday, and....wait a second...I DO have time for myself...and I DO do all that stuff.

What time you picking me up for that cruise?
Ash said…
Yeah camp is over! (Was that too selfish?)

I have a list a mile long. Some day.
Juliet Grossman said…
If you cut your hair short go to Kris Sutton at The Charleston. She is the best. Everyone in town w/short hair goes to her.
Susie said…
I would soak in a bath and bake and watch movies. It would be heaven for a while:-)
Tenakim said…
Good luck with the list- I was kind of looking forward to the pregnancy announcement, though.
Cheryl Lage said…
You COULD spend some time trying to tell me not to be jealous of your well-deserved relaxation opportunity! ;)

(and are you SURE on the 'not pregnant' news tip?)
John Deere Mom said…
Just about the time other moms' lives slow down and get back to normal, mine gets crazy again!
Marrdy said…
I would totally be going on that cruise to stalk you, Heather and Lula!! Maybe we should have a hidden camera following the three of you around and then have it posted on SITS!

If I had the time I would too sit on my bed but I would mix the reading in with it!
April Greer said…
I would catch up on all of my photo printing and scrapbooking! A digital camera is a blessing and a curse...I have trouble controlling how many pictures I take and then they are all sooo cute...how do you pick? I am years behind!
C-Flo said…
Sleep, dear friend, sleep.

On another note, who lives near wine country? Oh yeah, I do, I do! Come visit the Marsh crew!
Heather said…
OH, it will be good to be you come fall. I don't envy your hectic summer schedule one bit; I've worked way too many hours myself this summer, and it's probably not even half of what you've done...

Wish I could cruise with you girls; you're gonna have so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Once my kiddos are back in school and my schedule slows down at the hospital, I plan on organizing my house and catching up on some scrapbooking. Oh, and reading all the good books coming out this fall!
If I had time I'd spend like a whole week in the library browsing and reading. And I'd go to a spa. And I'd crash your cruise and invite myself along.......

What is this exciting news? I hope you tell us soon! You have been so missed!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I'd throw in soak in a hot bath with a good book! I love your list! I think I want your list!
Swirl Girl said…
I've never even thought of writing a list since it's never gonna happen....
Unknown said…
Being that I live in Florida, I would sit by the pool each day with a book and read.
Hannah said…
1. Read
2. Sleep
3. Eat cheesecake
4. Repeat

Enjoy your relaxing fall and I am sure you already know that we impatiently await your news.
Didi said…
What wouldn't I do? Read, eat, sleep, and craft all day.

Enjoy your time!!!
Gabrielle said…
I want that list!! especially the reading/ cruising/ watch an entire season of something! :)
Becca said…
Don't laugh, but I would organize all the drawers and cabinets in my house! I just feel so much better when everything is organized! Right now we're preparing for our first baby, so there is no time for that now.
Unknown said…
My youngest starts kindergarten in a week. I've been so excited thinking about what I'd do with all my kid-free time, but . . . I think I'm gonna miss the chaos a little bit. As soon as I get over that, I'm going shopping for photography props!
Mercedes said…
Blog once a day, take a photography class, read, play and play with my kiddo, and have a date night once a week with my husband.
Welcome back girlfriend! Hope you had a great time. I hope all those kids really enjoyed all the work you did on their behalf.

If I had the time, I would love to:

1. Sleep
2. Read books on my Kindle
3. Catch up on my scrapbooking
4. Take my kids for fun stuff
5. Read some of the 500 blog posts that are clogging up my Google reader!
Stephanie Faris said…
Jury duty? Ugh. If it makes you feel better, everyone I know who's been called to it ends up going the first day and being told to call in every Monday for so many weeks to see if there's a case. They never actually go in. That could just be in Tennessee though.
Sassy Chica said…
By the end of the month, I too will have the house to myself all day long!!!

Whatever I decide to do will be KID FREE, yahoo!

Sassy Chica
Live.Love.Eat said…
Sounds like a great list to me. I'd blog more, read, cook, cook, cook, sip sip sip. Read some more. Lounge by the pool. I wouldn't mind checking out this True Blood either since I don't get the channel. And if I had a lot of time I would make some road trips to see some bloggy friends. ENJOY your time!!!!
Sarahviz said…
Excellent list friend!
Here here on the True Blood thing! My husband doesn't care for it and it's too risque to watch with the kids around, so I'm dying to catch up once they're in school!

Scooch over, I'm climbin' in with you to watch :)
lilybox said…
Easy.... sleep, errr sleep and more sleep.
Rachel said…
Girl....we are soul sisters. This is a top ten list of pure awesomeness. Oh and I would totally cut my hair if it were cute like yours and not a total fro-ball like mine. You go.
jules said…
Sounds awesome to me.
omg do NOT cut your hair. listen now and listen clear. I cut my hair 1 year ago and I still feel like a 9 year old boy. My goal is slut long hair. I even started a facebook group. google it.
Much of that sounds fabulous, except for the jury duty. I just realized I forgot to go to my jury duty. That's right - you heard me...FORGOT! I stumbled on the little notice recently that said I was supposed to go last week. I suppose there's a warrant out for my arrest now. {SIGH!}
Lula! said…
If I had the time?

I'd go to Rosa's for some carne asada nachos.
(It's always about the food with me. Of course.)
Unknown said…
I really love your list. Especially the cruise. Can I come?
Courtney said…
OMG. No one needing anything? I think I'd probably wander around in circles for awhile, mumbling incoherently before curling up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth with my thumb in my mouth.

Or maybe I'd take a nap. You know, whatever.

Seriously, I forget what that's like! It sounds heavenly :)

Ms. Mama said…
uh, short hair? just make your appointments ahead of time. I wait too long and it always ends up looking stupid.

I'd read. read. and read. And probably tweet and blog and read. and tweet with a little facebook thrown in. If i got bored with that, then I might go for a walk in the woods. And in and amongst all of this Id talk to my husband.

Homeschoolers don't have this same sort of feeling about school starting ... HA
Robin said…
I would do some things you listed, and also volunteer wherever I could. I would hire a trainer and get in the best shape of my life. I would make love to my husband every day. I would take my nephew on a dozen 'day trips' to wherever would be fun for a 2 year old!
Kristi said…
I don't hate you at all. Not even a little bit. COUGH.

I'd, uh, um... I'd... well, uh - forget it, it will just mercilessly taunt me....
Grand Pooba said…
Good wine, good friends and good food!
Micah said…
I am loving your blog layout! Very neat, the way you have the two sidebars on one side! I am not very savvy with blog layouts, but I must say, your's is one of the best I have seen! Have a lovely week! Btw, I stopped by here via SITS.
sleep and shower without someone banging on the shower door to get in :)
Cynthia said…
Road trip - definitely a road trip.
Connie said…
I can tell you what I'm not going to do ~ C.L.E.A.N! I've had it ~ this MIL visiting thing bites.
Lisa Anne said…
Sounds like an eventful list. I really need to make one. I chopped my hair off, I say don't do it. =)
Anonymous said…
Yep... you've pretty much covered what I'd do. I'd also see a few movies and maybe (if I had the cash) do a little shopping. Ahhhh... It's a happy thought. :)
A Joyful Chaos said…
I would go on back to back vacations!
BookLady said…
Read, read, read, read!
Leah said…
I would just bask in paradise all night long (all summer long)... lol
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a great list! Well, except for #7. Yuck!
What a question! That is a dream for me. I homeschool our two boys so all day to myself is only an occasional occurence. But I would have to agree with the reading. Reading is my passion. I would visit my favorite blogs and sleep more during the day. I guess whatever I dream of that day besides taking care of the home.

I hope your weekend was a great one!
Maureen said…
I'd actually WATCH all my Johnny Depp DVDs..... alone and with chocolate and/or popcorn. And wine. Mmmmmmm
Unknown said…
Did you read Water for Elephants yet? If not, put it on your list : ) I read it in the spring, and I can not stop thinking about it. It was one of the very best books I read in a long time!
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