Hookers on Vacation

Well ladies.

I am off.

On a trip.

With these two hookers.

I know, I called them hookers.

I'm feeling feisty.

And, really excited.

Oh, and this hooker will be with us too.

More to come.



Ash said…
Have an absolutely wonderful time, you hookers, you!!!!

P.S. Don't forget protection.
Lula! said…
Did you call me a hooker AND post the grossest photo of me? Mouth agape, sippin' Port...totally lookin' like a Ho.

Yep. You did.

Unknown said…
LOL@calling them ladies hookers hope you have a blast!
Shannon said…
Travel safe and have a blast! Can't wait to hear all about the adventures y'all will have!
Mimi said…
Hookers and Wonder Woman? Oooh, I'm so jealous!
Scary Mommy said…
Mona brings the fun wherever she goes! Have a blast!!
Unknown said…
I hope you have a blast. With those ladies, how could you not?!
Amy said…
It looks like you had a fun time for sure.
Jen said…
Hope that you have an awesome time and Em is right, bring protection.
Unknown said…
Totally caught my attention!! LOL! Looks like a blast!
Heather said…
Wonder how much fun y'all are gonna have?

Carnival will never be the same again...
CaraBee said…
Have a great time!! Totally jealous, of course, not that I would squeeze my caboose in a swimsuit right now but just to get away for a few days with the girls.

I can't wait to hear all about the cruise, not to mention the reviews of Catching Fire, which I am 2/3 through now and LOVING. In fact, going to go finish it right. now.

I can't wait to hear all about it. Just so you know, I'm going to be reading Catching Fire with you in spirit. :)
John Deere Mom said…
Aw, you're gonna have so much fun!!! Color me jealous.
S Club Mama said…
sounds like such fun (and probably SO needed for you after your busy summer)! Can't wait to hear about it.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Have a GREAT time, and Hook 'em Horns!!!!

Yeah, I had to throw that in.
Sounds like a terribly naughty good time! Mona is SO hot.
Susie said…
Have a great time:-)
Anonymous said…
Hope you Hookers have a blast, tee hee!!

Jamie :)
Swirl Girl said…
Please tell me you are just going fishing! LOL
AiringMyLaundry said…
This makes me almost want to be a hooker so I can go.

Okay, there's a sentence I never thought I'd EVER write...
Now I'm worried about you...LOL
Stephanie Faris said…
Wonder Woman is going with you? Are you guys going to hang out with Superman?
Ashley said…
I am sensing trouble!!! You girls have fun!!
Live.Love.Eat said…
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun!
Lisa Anne said…
Have fun can't wait to read about it.
How FUN!! Have a great time!!!
Amy said…
Have a fabulous time.
I think the third one looks like trouble. Have a great time!
Anonymous said…
OMG that chick is hot!

...yeah, she's hot, but I meant the other one....

....no, not that hot one, the other hot one....with the red and yellow titties...

Have fun girls, I'll be here melting, shlepping my kids back and forth to school in a broke ass minivan ;)
Mercedes said…
Have fun!
Where in the world did you find a blow up Wonder woman?That is awesome!
You can't go wrong with Wonder Woman.
Elizabeth said…
Very cute post, I love the Wonder WOman doll even though she looks a bit weird.
Unknown said…
How can you NOT have fun with hookers on vacation : ) Super fun!
Glama Ray said…
Bwhhahhaaa! They look like "Happy Hookers" to me! Can't wait to hear more!
Gretchen said…
Love it, you're a funny gal. :)
Gretchen said…
Love it, you're a funny gal. :)
Kimi said…
LOL Found you on SITS. Hope you have a good time!!
Stephanie said…
Love the site!!!!! SITS led me here and I think I might stay for awhile :D

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