Yes, She Is Alive.

So I've been back for a week.

Still adjusting to life without room service.

And a chocolate on my pillow.

And giggling in the night.

And reading six books at my leisure.

And floating in the beautiful waters of Cozumel while Samuel brings me drink after drink after drink.

Needless to say we had a fabulous time.

And, since it was my turn to have Mona ride around with me, she got to cruise too.

Here is a little video for your enjoyment.

Yes, apparently, I say "apparently" a lot.

Want to know more about Mona? Kathy's got the scoop here.


Loved the video, I think Mona had the best time partying with you gals. I loved the guy dancing OMG wow!
KatBouska said…
Waaa, why did Mona get to go on the cruise while I had to stay here with my sick kids!?!? She looks like she had a blast and I just LOVE Mona's voice...she's serious, yet sexy. Mama likey.
Tamara Dawn said…
LMAO at her riding in the cup holders! hahaha

That biotch never told me she went to Mexico! I am super jealous!

Looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
LOL! That crazy Mox! Always up for a party!!!

Power to the People!!
JennyMac said…
SO funny. She is on one whirlwind adventure.
Lula! said…

Sorry for screaming, but I seriously almost lost the pumpkin crisp I just ate for breakfast. As soon as I saw that I just DIED. Hilarious.

Mona had her some good times on the cruise. She was popular on the Ecstasy. Indeed.

p.s. You got our waiter on there. Awwwww! He loved us.
Casey's trio said…
The disco dancing was hilarious! Glad you girls had a screaming good time....lucky Mona to tag along!
Unknown said…
LOL...OMGosh Mona had a blast crusin to Cozumel-the caronas,the cup holder the dancing whew what a time! FUN Times
Stephanie Faris said…
Poor Mona...had to ride in the cupholder! She didn't even get to snuggle down in there!

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
This was so much fun. That guy dancing. For real? :) How does Mona's hair not get messed up in the storm? :)
Kimi said…
Glad you had such a good time! Good luck getting back into the swing of things!
Kathy B! said…
Oh dear. Mona didn't have nearly as much fun at my house. I think maybe she should have come to you last... you just may have spoiled her for the rest of us!!
sassy stephanie said…
You little toots. Naw, just kidding. So glad you girls had such a great and relaxing time!
Heather said…
That. Was. Hysterical! Such good times.
Scary Mommy said…
I loved every minute of that. Lucky, lucky Mona!!
SEXY Mona.

This was so much fun to watch. kudos :)
Grand Pooba said…
Glad Mona was hookerin it up in Cali!
MamaJoss said…
HYSTERICAL! I was laughing the entire took Mona above and beyond. Love it! Great job with this post and the video...cracked me up.
heidi said…
That was fabulous!!! I'm so glad she got to cruise with you fine fantastic fun ladies.

This comment has been brought to you by the letter 'F'.
Helene said…
OMG, that was awesome!!! I couldn't stop laughing in the beginning....there she is sitting between 2 bottles of beer and she looks pissed off about something!! Awww, Mona....why so angry???

Sounds like you all had a blast....glad Mona got to tag along!
Jen said…
Thank you. I have not laughed that hard in a while. You are so awesome. Long Live Mona!
Amy said…
Great clip. I have heard about this have a great day.
Swirl Girl said…
Love the vlog of Mona's trip.

and I cracked up out loud watching her air filled hair blow in the wind! Good thing you didn't let her go! LOLOLOLOLOL
i am just getting home too from a "no kid" vacay with hubs on the beach...and i have to say, people are expecting me to be on time and make decisions and cook. what in the world!?

nice to have you back!
Eve said…
Mona sounds like she had a wonderful trip with some great (and wild) ladies!! :)
Unknown said…
That was the funniest thing ever. I can just imagine what you guys DIDN'T capture on video....
AiringMyLaundry said…
Mona definately had some fun!
Chief said…
Wow, what a day she has had!
I just want to know if you like cheated by taking her out of the state.. did you have her birth certificate.. did the grandparents okay it?

oh and yes. I'm jealous!
Texasholly said…
Holy crap...the overwhelming silverware and the guy dancing were frightening. Thank God Mona is OK.
Unknown said…
How could you NOT have a fun time with Mona along on vacation : ) that chocolate on the pillow sounded so nice! And reading books at leisure... Oh, the good life for certain!
Anne said…
Man, everybody got to go on a cruise! I'm jealous! ;)
Anonymous said…
Oh my god, WHO was that hot ass guy with the beer gut and the fancy footwork?

Please tell me Mona got some from him.
You know all those things you miss? That's what it would be like if you were a man and had a wife...LOL.
Betty Manousos said…
This was so much fun!
Have a great day! :)
Sigh. Adjusting to life without room service is never easy. You are a brave, brave woman to even try.

I adored your video, T. Totally made me laugh. At the end, I really expected our girl to take flight and hurl herself over the side of the ship. :)
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh Mona had a blast. I can't wait to watch this again from home where I can put it up really loud, especially during the disco scene. So happy to see you ladies had a fantastic time.
Lisa Anne said…
OKay she's kinda freaking me out. lol
Lani said…
I'm really jealous of Mona. I've never been on a cruise:)
Kansas Girl said…
Love your blog and loved this video. New here from SITS - which I also love. Apparently (hee) I'm just bursting with love today.
Truly enjoy you!
~Sheila~ said…
Hello Lady.
Been a long time.
Glad to see you are still doing well. Lucky! You got to go on vacation..a REAL one.

Lorie said…
So glad you had a great time! It is always so hard to adjust to real life after a good vacation! So take your time!
bwahaha! Mona looks like she had a fabulous time!!! Glad to see you back. ;)
JudyH329 said…
Hmm! Not sure who had the more fun, Mona or those controlling Mona! Those laughing sounds in the background certainly didn't come from Mona. Glad you're back!
Anonymous said…
Loved the video. So much fun.
Nice to "meet" you :)
Anonymous said…
absolutely loved it!! Seriously, not EVEN kidding.

Great blogging, girl!!! Love the site...
apparently I will be back.... apparently!!! LOL
DL said…
Hey, Lady. I love the video...sounds like you had a blast! Hope all is well with you and the fam!

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