Eight Year Old Antics

So, while was out of town at a retreat, my hubs took the boy to a Padres vs Dodgers game.

We are huge Dodger fans, but live closer to San Diego, so they went to Padres Stadium and sat behind the Dodger dug out.

They got 2 balls tossed to them- one from a Dodger and one from a Padres, had amazing seats and.... got on TV.

My husband dvr'd the game knowing they would be seen.

Within the first 2 minutes, here is what happened.

My son is the kid in the bright blue, just to the bottom left of the batter.

And, all along we've been thinking he's shy.....

Who knew?


Jen said…
Awesome. What a ham.
Katie Lane said…
That makes me laugh. Too cute!
S Club Mama said…
How fun is that?! :)
Sera said…
That's so cute!!! And how awesome that they ended up getting on TV. I'm guessing that won't ever be deleted from the DVR.
Anonymous said…
Love it! He's the cutest ever.
KatBouska said…

That's so cool! And great seats might I add!
Summer said…
Shut up!!! You are related to that famous kid?!? Everybody in San Diego is talking about him.

No way. Those are some fantastic seats, and look at him hamming it up for the cameras! :)
Swirl Girl said…
We went to a Dogder's game at the beginning of the season. My daughter 'caught' a warm up ball. She raised it up over her head and was all "woot-woot" and then promptly tripped up the stairs.

Where's my video camera when I need it!
Bubba Sweets said…
Love the handsigns! He has gotten so big!
Bubba Sweets said…
Love the handsigns! He has gotten so big!
Looks like something my kids would have done. They are total hams!
shortmama said…
How awesome for him!
Sarahviz said…
I live with an 8yr old and that is SUCH an 8 yr old move! Too cute!
Heather said…
That is hysterical! I'm sure all the kids at school know about it by now, don't they?

Anyone asked for his autograph yet?
sassy stephanie said…
Is he throwin' signs?????
Lula! said…

That is my future son-in-law. Bless it...
I just love that you and Lula have your future family all planned out. Don't forget to invite me to that wedding. It is sure to be one hell of a party.

Thanks for sharing this link. Fun to see your boy on video.
The Queen said…
I definitely see that the apple does not fall far from the tree in that video, Mamacita! And that child of yours is huge!
AiringMyLaundry said…
I love that video! Too cute.
Unknown said…
soooo funny, kids can fool us parents sometimes
Live.Love.Eat said…
Ohmagosh, you must be proud. So cool they caught it on vid!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephanie said…
Happy Friday!
Check my blog, I nominated you for an award!
DL said…
Must take after his mama! :-)
Rachel said…
LOL. Boys are too funny. What a ham!
Stephanie Faris said…
Good for him. He's a total ham!
Unknown said…
How cute is he? I love that : )
Gaspegirl said…
How cool is that... what a ham!

Make it a great day!
Gabrielle said…
That is awesome, good for him!!
Stacey said…
Without even knowing your son, I'm so impressed. Can't stop laughing, not sure why I find it so funny.

Who won?
Now who did you say he took after?

Anonymous said…
Lisa Anne said…
LOL that is so cool!!! I'm from SF so go Giants, even though I'm not a baseball fan. LOL
Kim said…
How exciting! He's a born star!
That is awesome. :) What fun!!
Sharon said…
Awww.. soo cute!!! And HOLY crow amazing seats!!
Anonymous said…
Girl, all that silliness comes straight from your genes! Love it!
Oh that's so cute. Love it!!!
Amy J in SC said…
They always seem to amaze us don't they? So cool.
Anonymous said…
lol they do surprise us at times. Good thinking Dad!

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