The Truth.
Remember when I wrote this anguished post about The Boy believing in Santa? It's happened. The Boy knows. Knows the truth. The truth about Santa. Sigh. We made it 9 years. Sigh. It went down like this at 4:34PM on 11.30.09. The Boy:"I think I want another Star Wars Light Saber". {The $100 that actually light up}. Me: "Um, from who? You already have 2, and you are asking for a dirt bike." The Boy: "Santa." Candy Man: "You need to ask your friends about Santa Claus." {Candy Man thought he should've known last year.} The Boy: "Wait. You guys buy the stuff from Santa?" Me: "What do you think." The Boy: "No, you don't." Candy Man: "Let's think about this for a minute. You really think a man travels around the world delivering presents?" The Boy: "So Santa is not real. I kind of thought so." Long Pause. The Boy: "So, the Elves- they aren't real either." Me {on the ver...