We had a fabulous night of trick or treating with friends.

And, I had a fabulous time enjoying Captain and Coke.

Which led me to need to pee half way through our trick or treating extravaganza.

Fortunately, a kind stranger allowed me to use their facilities.

To that stranger- I am eternally grateful.

And, I leave you with this cuteness:


Angela Tolsma said…
OMG She is so cute!! I love her costume!! Yea for friendly strangers!! Visiting from SITS!
Visiting from SITS! That is a seriously cute picture - I love the pink pumpkin!
Ha, ha, Captain and Coke, you sound like the Dads in our neighborhood who "Bob for Beers".
Super cute little girl.
Thanks for sharing the funny, Visiting for the Halloween Parade.
Gotta love some captain and coke..can you do the stance?

Love those Halloween pics!
Unknown said…
Yay for finding a friendly bathroom. My 4 year old had to pee about 1/2 a mile from home. He found a nice tree....
Ms. Kathy said…
Oh. My. Goodness...I could just eat her up!!
Veronica said…
They all look fabulous!!! And that last picture is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!
Rhea said…
Thank goodness for strangers with toilets to share. lol That little girl is ADORABLE.
Maggie R said…
OMG She is such a sweetie...Big hugs....
Hi Tiffany
Been so long since i posted... health problems is a bummer. I am out of the woods now and wanted to tell you I am having a draw for a lovely prize to celebrate my Blogoversary..
I would be so happy if you would stop by
Jen said…
Sometimes, people can be so nice.

And what cuties!
Susie said…
Look's like you had a GREAT Halloween:-) That's awesome!!
Cheryl Lage said…
What a doll baby! (and I think you are destined to be a bit Morgan in YOUR costume next year...I can send you an eye patch.... ;) )

Happy Belated Halloween, Tiffany!
Unknown said…
How cute is the little one?? So glad someone had mercy on your bladder plight, I like you am thankful for the kindness of strangers in delicate situations lol. Just joined SITS and saw you listed ... much blessings and love to you and yours
Thank goodness that kind stranger let you in. We had to do the same thing a few years ago for one of my kids. :) CUTE costumes.
Rebecca said…
Cute costumes - and yay for Captain and Coke!
maya said…
I watched my 8 year old do the pee pee dance for an hour. It's a tradition. Poor thing would rather suffer than tell me she has to go and risk cutting trick or treating short.
Anonymous said…
I love the pictures and halloween.
Good times. Especially the "Captain and Coke"!

Stopping by from the SITS Halloween Parade! :o)
Alison said…
I love her bare feet--so sweet!
Meg said…
Ohmigawd she's adorable! Can I keep her?

Those are some awesome looking costumes!!
Misha said…
That is definitely cuteness :)
Lula! said…
OH MY STARS, he is the best "Gangsta'" ever. Awesome.

And that is a cute fairy. With her pink pumpkin.

What did you dress as?
Kelly said…
I've met my own friendly stranger in Halloween past! That fairy is BEAUTIFUL!
Live.Love.Eat said…
You are my kind of girl!!! While the kids are holding pumpkins filled with candy I am toting a large plastic cup filled with something a little less sweet!
* TONYA * said…
Oh. My. She's too freaking cute.
April Greer said…
Yep those 2 cute ones in the middle...those are mine!
Queenie Jeannie said…
Kids in costumes...does it GET any cuter????
Maria said…
Ah, Halloween! All a memory now!
kanishk said…
you sound like the Dads in our neighborhood who "Bob for Beers".
Super cute little girl. Work from home India

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