One Mom Blogger


That's me.

I went and bought myself a dotcom.

Easy to remember.

Will come up in search engines.

I like it.

And, I'll be making that change to Word Press.

Ladies, it's fantastic.

The pageviews over at SITS have increased dramatically in just 3 days.


The layout.

Instead of scrolling, you click.

The more clicks.

The more pageviews.

Plus, it has all these cool ways to tag your posts.

Awesome SEO plug ins.

Don't worry, not much will change here.

But, if you want to update me in whatever place you keep my blog address, please do.

I am now


Unknown said…
Ok I have ya saved to google and it automatically sent me to the new page woohooo... congrats on your own dot com and I so wish I could figure out wordpress lol..
Unknown said…
Really? Really? Oh boy. I wonder if I should make the switch now that I have my own fancy url....

But would I need someone to help me with my layout stuff??

I need more page views.

I can't believe you got! That's awesome!
Stephanie Faris said…
I own but I'll be darned if I can figure out how to get it to work with Blogger. I followed the instructions, but it didn't happen. I'm going to hire a web designer soon to set up my writer page so I'll just have that person figure it out, I guess!
Sara said…
Sometimes I miss the ease of use with Blogger. But then I remember all the super cool things I can do with Wordpress and I get over it. :)
Congrats on the new domain!
Amy said…
Yeah for you and your change. So this one will not come up any longer? I will have to find you then.
yay for new things! Looks great!
Jen said…
But but but, you said that your personal blog would stay. I don't know if I can handle all this change....
S Club Mama said…
oh wow, everyone is changing everything. Am I the only one staying the same? LOL I'm so far behind...
Mimi said…
Great name to get!
Alison said…
Okay, I've subscribed!
Mariah said…
That's it. I'm switching. I can't stand not being in the "in crowd". Wordpress, here I come! And it has made SITS even more awesome!
You won't regret it- I was scared TO death but WP is great. And I love how the new SITS site looks!
Meg said…
Consider it changed! I've been considering doing the same thing..getting my own dot com and moving to Wordpress. Blogger ticks me off.
Juliet Grossman said…
Wow - congratulations!!! I love the new name. I am running "home" to update my blogroll right now:-)
KatBouska said…
The new domain name is actually quite brilliant. But you know this. And I love it. And I love you. But you know this too. I'm following in suit. Thank you so much for paving the way for me and imparting all your pearls of wisdom. You're awesome.
Susie said…
I keep hearing about this. Is it really that big of a difference? Where do you host the site? So many questions from a nervous blogger:-)
Charlene said…
Looks great! I recently made the switch to my own domain as well (but still using blogger hosting.) You have me thinking about Wordpress now... Hmmmmm!
Heather said…
Look at you!! All official and everything. Love it!
kanishk said…
I wonder if I should make the switch now that I have my own fancy url.... Work from home India
Bianca said…
Hello from another SITS gal (a newbie) Lovin the layout of your page! very nice!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Cool beans. Congrats on your new digs. Love the name!!
Such a SMART new URL. You'll get tons of traffic from that alone. I keep trying to decide whether or not to go to word press.........I'm thinking yes?
Hazel Nut said…
I got my own dot com too, I just am not sure what to do with it yet lol.

Lula! said…
And you are the hottest "one mom blogger" I know. Sincerely.
Caroline said…
Seems like many are switching to Wordpress--I am really curious about it! Would love to continue to hear about how things are coming along.

I am new to SITS, and just learning the ropes. I think it's a brilliant group.
Alex said…
oooooooh I like the URL. This is my first visit but I like your blog a lot. Everyone seems to be raving about wordpress. I think I'll figure that out eventually....
Lucy Mills said…
I wonder occasionally about switching to wordpress but I've just got settled!! Maybe one day, but not just yet. Must investigate all the pros and cons :)
Em said…
I'm navigating my way around wp. It seems confusing!
Honorablyfallen said…
love the name!, I just found the secret is in the sauce this morning, Awesome idea! love it using it all morning and BAM here I am on your site.happy thanksgiving! ~Sarahlynn
maya said…
wordpress is so much easier. and my phone wont let me comment on blogger blogs. S glad everyone is switching.
alessandra said…
Don't know about wordpress, however, ;D
I definitely think it's always worth having a dotcom. (And, being British, I have to have the as well...)
Erin Bassett said…
Congrats on the dot com!!! I went and did the same thing not too long ago...don't know why I didn't do it sooner!

Happy Thanksgiving SITster!
John Deere Mom said…
Love the new name! I am concerned about the Wordpress. I am still deciding if I like the new SITS look. It's very confusing after the daily post to see several little parts of posts underneath. But I am trying to love it...for you. :)
Vodka Mom said…
Welcome to the club. Someone will be around with champagne ANY MINUTE.

prashant said…
oh wow, everyone is changing everything

Work From Home india
Audrey said…
I'm from SITS, btw.

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