Merry SITSmas!

From my family to yours..... Merry SITSmas!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

I hope each and every one of you has a holiday full of love, laughter and joy!

Here is fabulous 2010!




I love these elves.

Merry SITSmas to one of my favorite people!
Jessica Jones said…
So cute!
Merry SITSmas
Jamie said…
*lol* I love it! Merry SITSmas!
Amarie said…
I love that "Elf Yourself" holiday cheer! Merry SITSmas!
Star Forbis said…
Merry SITSmas! :) Too cute!
Merry SITSmas!

I see you've been elfed!
Swirl Girl said…
So adorable -

Happy, healthy and prosperous holiday season to you and your family!

Swirl Girl
Unknown said…
thanks for the giggle...
merry sitsmas!
Unknown said…
Merry SITSMas to you... how cool ya'll had it on my birthday...
Unknown said…
Sooo cute! Off to make my own little elf card. Merry SITSMAS! : )
Shannon said…
Merry SITSmas, T!

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Heather said…
Candy Man dancing around as an elf is KILLING me!!! I love it! I miss you!!
Encore Bride said…
That is too funny, love your "e-card" Merry SITSmas Day!
Christine said…
Love the elves! Merry SITSmas!!
Chocolate Lover said…
Love the elf card! Merry SITSmas to you!
LOVE the elf card! It makes me laugh so hard every time someone sends one out! Great choice for your SITsmas card! Merry SITsmas Day!
Cynthia said…
Love your elf card. Merry SITSmas to you. So glad I got to meet you this year. Thanks for all of your encouragement and support. 2010 is going to be a great year!
Marina@EBMR said…
Lol!! Love it!! Merry SITSmas!
brokenteepee said…
Merry SITSmas! Have a great Christmas!
Merry SITSmas! Hillarious card, great idea! Best wishes, C :)
BLOGitse said…
Merry SITSmas
from Cairo!
Laurie said…
Hi Tiffany! Happy SITSmas!! Cutest elves EVER!!!
Rachael said…
Merry SITSmas! Hope you have a wonderful holiday & a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and Happy SITSmas!
loving the elves- it's like instant holiday spirit! merry sitsmas!
thatgirlblogs said…
Merry SITSmas and I love elfing myself. so funny.
This Little Hen said…
Merry SITSMAS! Hope you have a fabulous holiday!
Unknown said…
very cute video card! Merry SITSmas!
Dumb Mom said…
I'm pretty sure I'd rock one of those elf suits...can you get stiletto heeled elf boots? Either way! Merry SITSmas, dude, see you in the spring:)
Scary Mommy said…
Those crack me up. Every damn time.
Merry SITSmas to you. :)
Vodka Logic said…
Great video Merry SITSmas
Sneaker Teacher said…
Just joined SITS today. Merry SITSmas! Looking forward to making some more bloggy friends!!

Elizabeth D. said…
Tee hee, I love Jib-Jab! Merry SITSmas!!!
Amy said…
This is such a fun idea. Thanks for doing this. I hope you stop by some time.

Merry SITSTA's Day...
Anonymous said…
Merry Sitsmas T!!
Jenny said…
Merry SITSmas :D Great video!
Theta Mom said…
Merry SITSmas! What a fun video! ;)
T said…
Merry SITSmas!
Sandy said…
Love it! Merry SITSmas!
Suzi said…
Very Cute! Merry SITSmas!

Anonymous said…
Too Cute! Merry SITSmas.
Sherri said…
Merry SITSmas Tiffany!

I loved doing our elf card too:) I was in tears laughing at us breakdance!
Queenie Jeannie said…

Merry Christmas, and Merry SITSmas Tiffany! You have worked so hard for all of us, all year long, so I hope Santa leaves you wonderful prezzies!!!! You've DEFINITELY made the Nice List!
LisaLisa said…
Merry SITSmas to you and your family!!! Cute video! This cracks me lol
LisaLisa said…
Merry SITSmas to you and your family!!! Cute video! This cracks me lol
Knit Purl Gurl said…
Merry SITSmas! CUTE eCard! :)
Unknown said…
stopping by from my blog-cation to say Merry SITSmas!

Love these Elf urself videos. I got to do ours this year!
Anonymous said…
Merry SITSmas! Love the eCard!
Unknown said…
Love it Merry SITS-mas!
Honey Mommy said…
So much fun! I need to make one of these too!
stopping by from my blog-cation to say Merry SITSmas!

(my id didnt show on my last comment-- so you get twice the comment love today ;)
La Jolla Mom said…
AWESOME. These elf things always crack me up. SEE YOU TOMORROW. WOOT!!!
S Club Mama said…
You are so adorable. Merry SITSmas
Unknown said…
Love it!! Merry SITSmas to you, too! Have a wonderful, happy, and safe holiday!

Lolli at Better in Bulk
Rebecca Jo said…

/merry SITSmas!!!!
Anonymous said…
I love ElfYourself. Its such a fun idea! Merry SITSmas! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet so many great mothers!
Connie said…
Merry SITSmas!

Great job on elfing yourself. (that sounded kind of dirty)

Love you!
Merry SITSmas! I still believe in Santa.
Chrisy said…
Merry SITSmas, and wishes for a a wonderful New Year!
Anonymous said…
Merry SITSmas girlfriend! Here's to another successful year for you and SITS!
Merry SITSmas Tiffany! Thanks again for another great year of SITS!
Unknown said…
LOVE the Elf yourself Merry SITSmas greeting!
Mom's Place said…
Thanks for the smile! I needed it today! Merry Sitsmas (must remember to make it over to the SITS site today).
Natalie said…
I elfed my hubby and I, it's up on my blog as well last month under "our music video"...too cute! Love your blog, Merry SITSmas!
Wishing you a wonderful day and Christmas season!
Merry SITSmas!!
Carma Sez said…
Ha ha. Gotta love Elf-Yourself!! Have a Merry SITS-mas Tiffany :-)
AiringMyLaundry said…
Very cute.

I hope you also have a fabulous SITSmas! ;)
Missy said…
How cute!
Merry SITSmas!
Vickie said…
Them Elves are always a crowd pleaser:)

Thanks for an awesome SITS year and another SITSmas season!!

Merry SITSmas!!
Christina said…
I'm new to your site, but wanted to say its AMAZING the work you guys do! Merry SITSmas!
Charlene said…
Love the elves! Merry SITSmas and CHEERS!

Charlene from The Balance Beam
Great video! Merry SITSmas to you and yours.
~Kristen~ said…
Merry SITSmas!!! GREAT Elf Yourself!!!
Michelle said…
Merry Sitsmas to the queen bees!
Ho Ho Ho Merry Sitsmas cute elves
Twincerely,Olga said…
Loove it!! so funny! Merry Sitsmas!!!
Mrs. M said…
You all make great elves! Merry SITSmas!!
Pam said…
merry sitsmas to you and yours! :0)
Unknown said…
Have a wonderful holiday season!!

Merry SITSmas!
Andi said…
What a truly wonderful idea and just another reason to be warm and cheery this holiday season when you know you have your community of SITStas! Merry SITSmas!
Veronica Lee said…
Merry SITSmas to you !!!!
Sarah Brown said…
I have two of these on my family blog that my children make me show them like 1,00 times day!!=)

Merry SITSmas to you! I hope you and yours have a very blessed holiday season!
Unknown said…
Merry SITSmas! And I love the elves!!!
Finding Normal said…
I made one of these last week. We have watched it at least 10 times and laughed until peeing 10 times. LOVE THEM!
Merry belated SITSmas!
Stephanie Faris said…
You both have one. I love those! Merry SITSmas.
Jen said…
Merry SITSmas, my friend. I can't wait until we can see each other again.

Hope you have the best holiday ever!
Lena said…
what a cute family- love these cards where you add in the faces! merry SITSmas!!
Mama Bee said…
Adorable!! I love doing the Elf Yourself stuff every Christmas, but I've not gotten the chance to yet. Merry SITSmas to you and your family!!
A big Thank you to you and Heather (and Shannon!) for putting together such a fun event. Even though I was working like a crazy lady, I managed to pop around and visit a few blogs and enter a few giveaways. Thanks for all you do, you brighten a lot of lives!
Anonymous said…
This is so cute!! I might have to make one of my own!

Merry SITSmas!! (sorry I'm late)
Anonymous said…
Merry belated SITSMas!!
Margarita Bloom said…
Heehee, that is adorable! Merry SITSmas to you!
Jenn Erickson said…
Tiffany, Wow ~ your really started off the list with a bang! That was awesome! Thanks for inspiring the rest of us. I'm relieved to see that I'm not the only one commenting on the SITSmas posts belatedly. I'm also so happy that I finally have a few moments to just sit back, enjoy, and send merry wishes to my SITStas!
kanishk said…
how cool ya'll had it on my birthday...

Work from home India

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