How Twitter Killed My Blog

So, you may have noticed.

It's been pretty much *crickets* over here.

I was looking back over my blog and realized something.

The waning of my interest in blogging coincides with something.

My introduction to Twitter.


I am a full blown Twitter lover.

It's so quick.

So easy.

So engaging.

It used to be that I would think of something I wanted to share with you guys.

I'd write a blog post.

Now, I just tweet it.

I guess some could argue that a tweet is not as fulfilling as a blog post.

But it does offer something I love.

Instant Gratification.

Instant Conversation.

With the blog, I have to write the post, wait for you to come on over, read, decide to leave a comment.

Then, if I want to return the comment, I have to head on over to your place and read your entire post and comment.

Over on twitter, we are chatting right away.

And if you think of @ replies like comments, well, then, I am getting my feign satisfied.

Plus, while over 400 of you follow this blog, over 4,500 of you follow my tweets.

You do the math.

For someone like me who enjoys being heard, twitter is my crack.

I know some of you are thinking that tweeting doesn't improve your writing skills or allow you to put forth your thoughts the way a blog post can.

I beg to differ.

Twitter may actually improve your writing skills.

When you have to get something across in 140 characters or less, and you do it successfully?

Now, that is good writing.

And, some of you might say that twitter won't foster the connections that blogging does.

Again, I must disagree.

I chat with @mamakatslosinit @lula34 @mindlessjunques @buriedwithkids @lemusingsofmoi and so many MORE people than I ever did just through blogging alone.

Plus, Twitter can help your blog. Yep. More people to know and communicate which means more people to read your stuff.

In fact, I'll be tweeting a link to this post.

I am certainly not making the case for dropping your blog and running to twitter.

It's not for everyone.

Remember, I am not a writer.

I am a talker who writes.

Twitter offers me the ability to "talk" with my keyboard.

And, I am not saying that I am done blogging.

What I am saying is, if you are truly interested in what I am up to and want to connect RIGHT NOW....

You can find me @SITSGirls


Meg said…
I guess I kind of get what you're saying. I like Twitter but not enough to spend that much time on there. I prefer to take a bit of time to pound out a blog post and then read the comments as they come in over the course of the day. Twitter drives me crazy. Plus it moves so fast with Tweetdeck that I have trouble keeping up. So I prefer blogging.

But I know many like you who are lovin' the Twitter.
Shell said…
I just gave in and signed up for twitter this week, so I haven't yet become addicted.
Sandy said…
I do enjoy getting my Tweet on! It is instant gratification! I love it!
Kathleen said…
I don't get twitter. How, oh great one, does one get started? I need help!
S Club Mama said…
I think if I could Twitter from my phone, I'd like it more. However, for me it's not so fun doing it from my computer bc then I can just blog :) Plus, no one reads my tweets and a few people read my blog. :) But I still love reading your Tweets & posts.
Sera said…
This post cracked me up. "Twitter is my crack." Just sounds funny. :) You are very right, though - it is INSTANT gratification. I haven't tweeted regularly in quite a long time, but you are inspiring me, so I may just have to jump back in. And the part about improving your writing is so spot on because you really do have to cut the fluff and be concise.
Ain't that the truth? twitter has ruined me...and I am a writer LOL
Susie said…
I have a Twitter account but I haven't found time to getthe real essence of it's draw yet:-)
Amy said…
I do not tweet or know anything about it.. So I do not know what to say. I am glad you enjoy it..
Ash said…
I'm afraid I fell quite dejected by Twitter. At least if no one comments on my post, I can pretend everyone is busy. But on Twitter, I can see everyone Twittering about - Lord that sounds pathetic and needy.

I'm a listener by nature. Maybe that's why Twitter and I don't click?

And 140 characters? Girl, look at my comment length.
KatBouska said…
That's it I'm killing my blog. You're totally RIGHT! I never really thought of it all this way!!


I'm so glad I claimed you years ago before you became THE Sits Girl.
KatBouska said…
That's it I'm killing my blog. You're totally RIGHT! I never really thought of it all this way!!


I'm so glad I claimed you years ago before you became THE Sits Girl.
Jen said…
You know what, however I can get you I am fine with. I love your tweets. I just wish that I could stay up later to enjoy them more. It makes me sad that we are in hugely different time zones.

And I want 4500 followers. Lucky.
I happen to think that you are an amazing tweeter. :)
Goody said…
totally in agreement..

i would rather tweet where its so interactive any day but i still love my blog and try to show it love..

i have even set up a blogging schedule to do so.
Krystal Grant said…
OMG I thought I was the only one! I am so in love with twitter. I spend so much more time on twitter than I do on my own blog (and I just started my blog 7 months ago). I've only been tweeting since September, but I've managed to rack up 1,000 tweets in 2009. Tweeting hasn't taken the place of blogging, but it sure has curved my appetite for blogging. I'm gonna have a shirt made that says "twitter freak". Glad to know I'm not the only addict on twitter!
Lula! said…
Remember when I was all, "Get on Twitter, girl!" and you were all, "the term 'Twitter' makes me feel naughty!"

Awww...those were the days.
Now you're all Twitter famous.

But whatever. I *KNOW* you.

(Yes, I hashtagged in your comments. I rule.)
Well duh.....miss chatty kathy... We can tweet our conversations to everyone. It's kinda funny, when we get on a roll, in our own conversation.
Swirl Girl said…
I think you summed it up perfectly. You are not a writer. You are talker who writes. And thinks.

I wonder what the next best thing is going to be? In this world of insti-grat (that's instant gratification for you tweeters who don't want to use up too many characters)because if I could invent it...Hhhhmmmmm!
Leslie said…
This is funny. I just posted on my blog the reasons I LOVE Twitter.

I'm a Twitter newbie, but I am certainly seeing the easy addiction to it...
Live.Love.Eat said…
OH noooooooooooooooooo.................

You should have been a saleswoman. Because up until now I really couldn't stand twitter and said I would NEVER do it. Now I am contemplating, just thinking, maybe, just maybe, I should at least look at it. should have been in sales. Really, you're good!
Masala Chica said…

I so, so wish I could catch on to the whole twitter thing. I know its cool. I know all the hip kids are doing it.

But I just kind of haven't got it yet.

You can't quit blogging for two sentence gratification. right?
actually, i am guessing people can.

crickets. chirp.
John Deere Mom said…
Yeah, I don't really get the Twitter thing. I have it. I've used it. But it seems like so much "stuff" to get through. Everything gets kind of lost on me. I'm all about the Facebook. :)
Corrie Howe said…
I've noticed you send a lot of Tweets. I have a gadget on my computer desktop. I do go to various websites or tweet back on some interesting comments.

I like my blog though. Can't wait until I meet you at Baltimore.
You are certainly fun to follow on Twitter, but I love your blog posts too. Make time for both, woman! :)
Just Lisa said…
I have a hard time getting into twitter. It's only ok for me. I'm still trying to find my groove!
Stephanie Faris said…
I just haven't gotten into the Twitter thing. I do status update on Facebook but Twitter is mostly to notify people when I've updated my blog.
this totally happened to me...i use twitter as my quick fix for the need. my blog readers/commenters have really slowed down. sad. just sad.
kim said…
You have always liked to talk! Now technology has caught up to you. No more long nights under the covers whispering into a phone. Now you're snuggling with your blackberry.
Am I the only one on the planet who isn't on twitter yet? I think so...I guess I get with it. It was fun "meeting" you on the call last night. So jealous of your 72 degree weather. It's 13 here right now. ugh! I'd love to have you link up for Fishful Thinking Thursdays sometime. I just learned how to add a "Mr. Linky" - moving up in the world, I know. haha :)
I meant to say "I guess I NEED TO get with it." I need to learn how to type too. :P
Ashley said…
Just added you on Twitter. I've had Twitter for a while but haven't been using it much. Trying to get back into it.
Charlene said…
I haven't gotten into the whole Twitter thing yet but it sounds addictive! Right now I can't even imagine adding one more thing... yikes. But if I DID twit or tweet or whatever, I'd follow yours. :-)
CaraBee said…
I use Twitter, but not with the regularity that some do. I can appreciate it's appeal, but I would still rather a well crafted post.

Also, am I the only one that sees the irony of a SITS founder ditching blogging for Twitter? :)
Cecily R said…
I clearly need to get back in Twitter gear...
Andrea said…
I am so behind the times. I don't tweet. When the craze is over, I'll just be getting started! Oh well!
Veronica said…
I haven't been on twitter in forever, and I just recently wrote a blog post after what had been well, forever too.

But I have been working on writing a book, so that's my excuse!
I'm not sure that I am smart enough to "get" twitter. While I jus signed up for an account, I find it a little confusing. Bah! I really don't like getting "older" and not being hip. (Because I was in the first place! Bwahhaha!)
I've only ever tweeted once and a have about 150 people following me...random!
Anonymous said…
I seem to always be on Twitter at the wrong time. The wrong time = when people don't really want to converse, they just want to put it out there. So I have fallen out of love with it. I think I went almost a month without getting on it. But when I don't tweet, I am alos not blogging. I feel like when I tweet, or when I blog, I must do the other. For me they coincide. We'll see...maybe I will find the energy to start back up!
Colette S said…
It is true about the quick conversations. It's like messenger kinda.
kanishk said…
Twitter drives me crazy. Plus it moves so fast with Tweetdeck that I have trouble keeping up. So I prefer blogging.

Work from home India
A 2 Z said…
You have a good sense of humor. I like that. My next step was to get Twitter. I'm so overwhelmed as it is with blogging, Facebook, cooking, cleaning, mothering (my husband), etc. I think I would need 48 hours in a day to get everything done. So I will stay away until I find out a way to manage my addiction to everything else LOL. BTW love your blog!
I'm just now stepping BACK into the blog world (it's me from Pennies In My Pocket) and I'm skeeeered to jump on twitter. I just feel like it's amazing if I can carve time out for a quick text to my husband asking if he can pick up milk on the way home. lol

I need to get with twitter. I know.

Glad to be back with SITS. I've missed you gals!

Twitter as crack? Boy do I hear that one. I'm afraid I'm going to get fired at work because I just can't.stay.away from Twitter when I'm supposed to be working. I'm alone in a cubicle all day and while I'm busy, I'm BORED and I'm lonesome and having a whole cast of characters right at my fingertips all day long is just SO tempting.
oh my. were we supposed to get it done in 140 characters or less? Cause I just send like 18 tweets in a row to get my point across?!!

I got a lot to learn. Keeping my thoughts somewhat to myself is probably number one on the list!
Mills Medley said…
I had wondered what was up with the craze of twitter....I would love to do something like that but between my other addictions of facebook, cafe world, blogging, blah blah blah.,. i think my children might grow up without a jk

ill have to see why its addicting :0)
Okay I loved you before but now i want to carry your babies. The end.

Well not the end... the twitter thing? I think you just described me, about 9 months ago. The end.

Well not quite... your photoshop actions talk...??? Have you seen my recent love affair of all things 'textures'... You simply MUST see my Fishy light bubbles thingies... :) Enjoy!

I'd leave the link here. but. bad form.
Gabby Malcuit said…
I used to blog every day on my old blog. Now I have a baby and have no time to really write. I didn't have any interest in Twitter before. Now I'm tempted to do it.
Trudie said…
I love following you on twitter!
Anonymous said…
I kinda' like twitter. You make some great points.
Jas said…
Hi! I found you through SITS. I got a Twitter not too long ago, but I'm a fan of full blown, humor essay type posts. Can't do that with 140 characters.

I'm trying, though!
Anonymous said…
I do LOVE the twitter... But sometimes 140 characters just isn't going to cut it. ;)
cait said…
I'm addicted to facebook status updates like you are Twitter. I continue to fight the urge to join twitter simply b/c my husband is in awe that I haven't yet..and I'm not quite ready for the "i told you so" discussion. :)
Visiting from SITS...

I do love twitter, its nice, but I love facebook too!
Anonymous said…
I don't know, as hard as I try to get addicted to twitter I just can't.
Seeing as Twitter and FB are blocked at work for me, I say BOO!!

But I understand. *sniff*
If I had the ability to use twitter more easily from my phone, I could see myself getting addicted to twitter...but until that time, I find blogging makes me think a little bit more about what I want to say, rather than blurting/tweeting it out.
Thanks for the insight on Twitter. Never thought of it that way. I love when you said your blog is pretty much crickets. That was cute.
Danae Hudson said…
Eh...I deleted my twitter account. I don't know. Maybe I just don't feel that interesting :)
Becki said…
OMG, I hear ya, I am OBSESSED with Twitter, LOL!!!

And I'm new to SITS, just making the rounds!

Serenityville said…
Wow, that's actually kinda profound. Just yesterday I FB'd the question "Do twitter and status updates decrease our inclination to reach out the old fashioned way, face to face?" I find the topic fascinating, and LOVE your explanation.
Pls don't stop your blog!!
gina said…
I find twitter compliments my blogging. I also have more followers on twitter than my blog- but followers only tell a small potion of the story. I have 1,000's of viewa on my blog daily and when I twitter about something that someone is specifically interested in, they find me or it, the tweet. Like Tuesday, when I was tweeting about my experiences at the poll (I live in Massachusetts) I was receiving @ replies and getting retweeted by people who never would have been interested in following a "married, tattooed, sometimes unschooling, suburban mother of four girls".

Plus my tweets help my blog readers see exactly what I'm up to, more than one story a day- it's like being a fly on the wall of someone's life.

I am addicted to the IG of twitter but I still love the life story that is woven together on my blog.
Unknown said…
How did I miss this post? I hear ya on the twitter thing. It is addicting. I was able to pull myself away to some degree. ;)
Maxie Gregg said…
I totally understand, Twitter is a fast-high and totally addictive!
Linda said…
I use twitter for my book reviews, but if I have to be honest, I don't really get it. Most of the tweets I read make little sense. P.S. I'm kind of old maybe that is why!
Leiah said…
Have to admit ~ even though I have a Twitter account (and actually tweeted you today in fact) I probably don't use it in the means it was created. Maybe one day I'll be more Twitterficient.
Jen said…
I was afraid Twitter would kill my blog too, but I use it to supplement my blog. I post Twitter updates with new posts, and I Tweet my random thoughts, often which become longer blog posts. The two work together hand-in-hand! They're BFF's!
Mariah said…
sorry I just saw this post. I've been talking to you about it on Twitter:) Agreed. On so many levels. I think the only reason I go back to my blog (once a week?) is because I just redid it!
BLOGitse said…
I came here to thank you for SITS community - Thanks! :)
and found out that you're mainly 'out there' - tweeting.
I tweet too but blog is how I'd like to interact because I can express myself better visually than by writing. English is not my first language.
But twitter is excellent way to find 'new, interesting worlds' - in blogosphere...

it would be great to have comment luv on blogspot too - so much quicker to network!
I love twitter too. It's an instant community right at your fingertips for whatever you need or are chatting about!

Love how you described it as feeding an addiction. *snicker*
KatieBug said…
I just joined twitter. It is a breeze!
Rhiana said…
I love Twitter too!
Anonymous said…
I must say, since I became more involved in Twitter, I've posted on my blog a lot less.

I couldn't agree more that getting across a quick tweet is so much easier than putting together a full post on something that can be covered in 140 or less.

I think that even though I post on my blog less, the quality of posts has probably improved bc I have gotten rid of all the babble about nothing in particular.

Umm and whether you are here, on SITS, on twitter or somewhere in real life I'd follow you almost anywhere bc you know I love you :)
natasha said…
I really have to go join Twitter! ;-) Keep hearing bout it but stil haven't joined. LOL

stopping by from SITS
Unknown said…
He he, so funny. I love me some Twitter too! Dropping by from SITS.
I have to admit that Tweeting via my cell is more convenient & enjoyable. When I'm sitting at my laptop I open the TweetDeck and use it simultaneously as I read, comment and post. I guess it's the multi-tasker in me.
I love twitter. But also still like my blog. I guess I can talk solidly about myself there, which is clearly what I enjoy doing. Have just found you through SITS, will now find you on twitter!
Kristi said…
I love Twitter too, but my blog takes first place. I have all my blog posts fed to my Twitter.
twinkietotmom said…
I am new to blogging and Tweeting...and so far blogging is winning for me, but I've been doing it a little longer than the Twitter thing, still figuring that one out! I need a manual for all of this stuff though, seriously!
Mindy said…
Visiting from SITS...

I've had Twitter for a while now, but I'm still not good at tweeting for some reason. Maybe I am over- thinking it! I can see how it would help your writing though. You have no choice but to be concise (well, unless you send out 3 tweets to elaborate on the same thought.. lol) You can follow me if you want .. @mdmerenghi
Mindy said…
P.S. - Sorry for being slow, but it took me a minute to realize you are behind the SITS blog! I just joined yesterday and I think it's a great idea! :o)
Chelle said…
I am just starting to find the Twitter love. It's very interesting.

Stopping by from SITS
Herself said…
Well, I'm so new at this I have 7 followers. Seven! It's blogging all the way for me, SITSta!
Ioana said…
ha! and she's got her point here.
I agree. (how could i not?)
Amy Prikazsky said…
I don't have a twitter account....Maybe I should join:)
I like the conversational aspect of Twitter, but I have to have time to devote to it. With a blog post, I can write in advance and just wait for my friends to read it at their leisure... I find Twitter only works for me when I'm constantly checking replies.
Well thank goodness I'm not the only Tweetie who is addicted! haha! And to kill two birds with one stone I have my tweets linked with my Facebook Status Updates so as not to neglect my 2400 FB friends. LOL
debi9kids said…
LOL! I think a lot of people have left their blogs for twitter (and facebook). I am a nutjob and do all 3. LOL (although I can't stand all the "goofy" stuff on FB)

So,I'm curious, when you tweet as "SITSgirls", is it just you or you & heather?
Anonymous said…
good gravy the entire post done "twitter" style...that was a lot! I never "got" Twitter. I am wordy though so it's hard for me to condense my thoughts into 140 characters.

I am glad you are enjoying it though!

it's so true though! You can get wrapped up into it and before you know it, the day is gone!
Gigi said…
I saw the sits blog and followed you on your blog and on twitter. I am new at this and trying to find my way around. I am sorry for the emails I will try to find out what I did.
I was hoping to meet some nice people from your list of blogs and followers on twitter and I have except for one you. Your email was far from what I would of expected form you as my image was much different.
I am sorry for the emails I will try to fix it.
Blogging in the blind and trying to find my way.
Marie (gigi P.S. I know you will not post this comment.
Audra Michelle said…
I feel like an old lady. I keep trying to get involved on Twitter and it just seems like one more thing... I am lost on all the terminology and have yet to fully devote the brain cells needed! I need some teenager to come and show me all this newfangled technology! LOL!
Maria said…
Yes I love twitter too. It's fun!
Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?
AmericanTribal said…
I joined Twitter for the sole purpose of really liking the way that blue bird looks... what a great marketing gimmick for visual junkies like myself lol.
I rarely post anything on Twitter (other than links to my new blog posts), but your post here is sort of making me want to give it a go and be more Twitter-genic. Ooooh, a new word!
Anonymous said…
Brim over I acquiesce in but I think the post should have more info then it has.
Anonymous said…
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Michelle said…
I just joined but feel like I am missing something. Where do I post my blog? Do I? I added your button to my page, but how do I actually connect with everyone???

Linda said…
I still choose blogging over twitter any day!!
I saw tweet the other day and had to click over. I love it!! it's so true. I'm forced to do grocery match ups weekly and I think thats the only reason it hasn't killed mine too!!!
Momfever said…
Twitter stumps me, I just don't understand what's so nice about it. I think I should start to study it some more.
Cheryl said…
Love this post b/c it's so true. I am so much more social (even with IRL friends) because of Twitter. I'm a newbie to SITS and am looking forward to meeting lots of new bloggy friends through it. :)
I am just now jumping back on the twitter train :) Following you now!

I haven't joined twitter. Most of my friends dropped their blogs for facebook but I still love blogging :)
Crystal Escobar said…
hmmm, I've never thought of it like that. I should get into it more. I've never done a retweet, is that what it's called ?
Karli K. said…
I guess I might have to check it out then :) I've been avoiding it...
found you on SITS, I did Twitter a bit, than gave it did take a ton of time but was fun to follow all the comments and @'s.
Anonymous said…
Genial post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
Anonymous said…
Interesting story you got here. It would be great to read more about that topic. Thanx for giving that data.
Anonymous said…
nice article. I would love to follow you on twitter.
Anonymous said…; You saved my day again.
Melinda said…
I totally get what your saying! I may not be addicted to Twitter as much as you but I do find I have to stay off Tweetdeck if I'm trying to get something accomplished, like writing a post! LOL

stopping by through SITS
Angelia said…
I have a Twitter, but I've yet to spend much time there. Somehow the point escapes me. Is that awful?
Jenny said…
I'm kind of afraid to try Twitter. I'm loving blogging so much. But this does make it sound enticing. Hmmm....
Merry said…
I LOVE Twitter too! I'm still trying to keep my blog going, though. I love both in totally different ways. Oh & BTW I LOVE SITS & I will follow you on Twitter.
I have yet to take the road down Twitter lane. I keep telling myself I should, but I'm too chicken. I don't know why.
Joy said…
I totally get this. But I am a writer too, so I've decided I need to step back from the socializing on Twitter for Lent. It was dragging me away from being present with my family. And I'm going to focus on writing more. We'll see what happens in April... hopefully I've found a better balance!
Myda said…
Everybody Tweets! It's funny to hear Martha Stewart saying go to and sign up. BTW-she's giving away a Kitchen-aid to her 2millionth follower! I get what you're saying and you can have your tweet automatically post on your Facebook as well.

Great post!

Christine said…
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I love this,"I'm not a writer I'm a talker who writes!"
LindaFaye said…
can't say I'll tweet any time soon. but thanks for sharing!!
Oh so been there, done that. My personal blog died a sudden death when I got a phone with a QWERTY keypad and started tweeting regularly. Then, for almost a year, my blog was a daily recap of my tweets: not exactly the same thing.

But, in time, I missed blogging so I started back. It's possible for them to co-exist, I just had to find something to blog about that didn't work in a tweet!
Well I guess I'd better catch up with you on Twitter then!

I must confess I still don't quite 'get' tweeting although I can imagine once you've got a community and conversation started it must be addictive.

I'm a writer more than a talker and prefer the space to ramble - I really have to self-edit on my blog. Please do blog more though as I'm really enjoying reading your posts - even though many of the recent ones are from b4 xmas! ;-)
That Bald Chick said…
I have a twitter account (ladyvdzine) but I LOVE my blog. Maybe not as much as I love my FB (ladyvdzine) but, anyway! So, I saw you listed on SITS, and thought I would pop on over. I love the graphic you used for the twitter post.
Jonna said…
I had to quit Twitter myself a few months back because I was constantly there and never on my blog, and Twitter is unfortunately also a breeding ground for useless drama. Since it takes only a second to post something, unfortunately some people really don't consider their words. Incoming hurt feelings... no thanks.

Twitter traumatized me so badly I had to take a several month break from blogging before gathering enough courage to dip my toes back in the water.

Hopefully it remains drama-free for you...
Unknown said…
The majority (I didn't read them all) seem to love Twitter as you do. I ain't convinced. I think I could love Google Buzz but I don't know. I am alone out there in Buzzland.
Unknown said…
The majority (I didn't read them all) seem to love Twitter as you do. I ain't convinced. I think I could love Google Buzz but I don't know. I am alone out there in Buzzland.
Unknown said…
The majority (I didn't read them all) seem to love Twitter as you do. I ain't convinced. I think I could love Google Buzz but I don't know. I am alone out there in Buzzland.
Unknown said…
The majority (I didn't read them all) seem to love Twitter as you do. I ain't convinced. I think I could love Google Buzz but I don't know. I am alone out there in Buzzland.
Gosfam said…
I think I need to embrace Twitter as much as you do.
Claire said…
I tweet often times but I do it only to inform my readers if I posted something new in my blog. I think, I'm more of a blogger than a tweeter. :-)

Congrats on being the SITS feature blogger!
MrsBlogAlot said…
I need Twitter lessons but I think I've got the basics down (-:

Talking writers are awesome!
Mama E said…
I love your layout! Did you design it yourself?
Michelle said…
I am addicted to Twitter too. It is so easy to tweet from work, tweet on the go. I can read blogs from my phone but commenting is not so easy.

Plus you seem really busy keeping everything running at SITS.
Anna Blanch said…
Thanks for following me in Twitter @Goannatree. I am slowly using it more, but i find that I make more sense when i blog - could be that my sentences are too long, or something like that! It could be that i'm an academic too and we are notorious for not knowing when to simplify. I hope you do come back here soon though...

Nice to meet you and i'm glad i found SITS
Jenny said…
Happy Belated Birthday!
metta1313 said…
I just joined the twitter force to and if my blog wasn't about me posting 1 thing a day...a 365 blog if you will...I probably too would be more about the twitter.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Hey your website is nice
Have a look at this crazy emo video clip:
Vodka Logic said…
twitter killed your blog and you write and amusing blog about it and get 100+ comments. YOu are doing something right...

PS I love twitter too.
Julie M. said…
"I am a talker that writes." I love that. I haven't really figured out Twitter yet. I guess I need to get with the times!
Melissa B. said…
But look...Twitter got you a blog post, no? And you can find me on Twitter @MrsScribe - hope to see you there soon!
Anonymous said…
i very much adore your own posting way, very attractive.
don't give up and keep posting simply because it simply just very well worth to look through it,
impatient to look into much of your current posts, regards!
Charlene said…
I keep coming back hoping to see something new. Miss you!
Anonymous said…
Hello. And Bye.
Lisa Anne said…
I'm debating if I should get a twitter account. I jsut don't think I'm interesting enough to have things to tweet. Especially with the limited number characters. i talk way to much to tweet.
Andrea said…
Just found you through SITS, and I could have written this post myself! I'm still blogging, but I just started on Twitter this past week and am whole-heartedly addicted. Crap! It's crazy! Hope to run into you out there in Twitter-land! ;)
Miz Dinah said…
Between the facebook status updates and the blogging and the text messaging and the blackberry messengering, I'm just to tired to twat...I mean twit...I mean tweet!
Vodka Mom said…
twitter is the new black.
I love twitter too! We all like to see pictures though, so come back!!

Allison @
I JUST began twitter, and I admit I'm obsessed, too! I think it's more fun for twitter readers to hear "insider news" about your blog. I've started to post sneak peek things, like what restaurant I'm planning on reviewing next, or what I ate that isn't worth blogging about. That way, my readers feel like they're getting something more out of it.

PS I just joined SITS!!
Hi! Just found my way to your blog through SITS. Love it! And love this post! I'm new to tweeting, so I have yet to get addicted :)
StephieMae said…
I've had a hard time getting in on the whole twitter thing...I have one but just fail at navigation around it. But I am with you on the whole I used to blog about it but now I tweet...that is clever! I would do it and than blog and than tweet that I finally blogged about it. Or something like that! ha ha
Nona said…
Twitter as crack. Absolutely! Love your blog -- I popped over from SITS!

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